Sentences with phrase «studying neural signals»

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By studying these examples, the neural network learned on its own what the light signal of an exoplanet looked like, and could then pick out the signatures of exoplanets in previously unseen signals.
An earlier study had identified the connection between the thalamus — a brain region that relays incoming signals from the muscles and senses — and the dmPFC, along with the role this neural circuit can play in modifying a mouse's desire for confrontation.
The group is now pursuing studies that couple the mechanical forces of a blast, or pressure wave, to the activation of chemical - signaling pathways in neural cells.
Of all the human senses, the visual system — the network that turns light into neural signals that create the perception of sight — is the most studied and best understood.
What was especially «exciting» about this finding, he says, is that these variations were near a neural highway that previous studies have shown helps regulate life span in worms and flies, and that stopping chemical signals from this brain pathway extends the life span of mice.
In an earlier study, Dyer discovered that hand motion directions corresponded with reliable neural signaling patterns in the brain's motor neocortex.
«Calcium signaling regulates many important cellular functions, like muscle contraction, neural communication, gene transcription and tissue growth,» said Fenfang Li, a postdoctoral research fellow in Zhong's laboratory and lead author of the study.
Few reliable tools exist for detecting neural signals of awareness in people who appear unresponsive, says Lorina Naci, a neuroscientist at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada, and lead author of the new study.
It demonstrated a meta - language prediction capability from neural signals across people, languages and bilingual status,» said Ying Yang, a postdoctoral associate in psychology at CMU and first author of the study.
The HMS study challenges the traditional, decades - old model, which proposes that making a simple spatial decision is the result of an outright competition between two or more distinct neural pathways, with one signal prevailing to suppress the others.
A theoretical study of short - and long - range effects on neural excitation pulses might one day lead to controlling harmful signals such as those in strokes.
So - called hair cells in the inner ear convert sounds into neural signals that are relayed to the brain by spiral ganglion neurons, the study notes.
Their experiments provide clues about the neural circuits and signaling pathways involved in compulsive behavior and may provide a useful animal model for studying OCD and evaluating treatments.
In the new study, Qu discovered that adding the signaling molecules at Day 3 worked much better: The neural progenitor cells quickly and efficiently differentiated into motor neurons.
Future studies investigating how neural signals change in response to microstimulation (and how these changes vary with the precise targeting of the stimulating electrode) will be critical for increasing our understanding, not only of the physiological signatures of microstimulation, but also the microcircuit dynamics underlying memory.
Studies of early development in fishes show that neural networks in the brain controlling the more complex vocal and pectoral mechanisms of social signalling among birds and mammals have their ancestral origins in a single compartment of the hindbrain in fishes.
Transgenic models session Chairs V.Korinek & Z. Kozmik 16.00 Bohumil Fafílek Cell tracking and manipulation in genetically modified mice 16.30 Michaela Krausová Mouse transgenic model to study tumor progression and metastasis in the gut 17.00 coffee break 17.20 Matej Durik Rodent transgenic models of cardiovascular diseases 17.50 Jan Masek The role of Wnt / beta - catenin signaling in neural crest development: an insight from transgenic and knockout mice 19.00 dinner
Dr. Halvorsen studied neurophysiology of the auditory system, ontogeny and development of sound localization the central auditory system in gerbils, neural encoding of ultrasound signals in fish, and auditory threshold responses in fish after noise exposure.
After the fellowship is complete, he plans to take a year off from studies and then later pursue his Ph.D. in engineering with an emphasis in communications, control and signal processing, and of course, neural engineering.
Cortical development and cortical stem cells The laboratory uses neural stem cell culture, transgenic model systems and retroviral vectors to study signalling pathways that are central in mouse cortical development and in particular in cortical stem cells.
This study was part of a larger study designed to examine the beneficial effects of a higher - protein breakfast on the appetitive, hormonal, and neural signals controlling energy intake regulation in overweight / obese, «breakfast - skipping», late - adolescent girls [10].
In the present study, we explored the psychological and neural underpinnings of attachment - induced safety by examining whether viewing an attachment figure during a threatening experience — receiving physical pain — led to increased activity in a neural region associated with safety signaling and a corresponding reduction in the threatening or distressing experience of physical pain.
Akin to physical pain, experiences of social rejection and exclusion may signal a significant threat to individuals» survival [65], and there is evidence from animal lesion and human neuroimaging studies suggesting that physical and social pain overlap in their underlying neural circuitry and computational processes [66 — 67].
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