Sentences with phrase «stuff hits the fan»

An open - door policy could easily be misused as a «see me when the stuff hits the fan» policy.
When that well - known brown stuff hits the fan (and rest assured, that's what it is when the oil - producing province that's accounted for 35 % of your job growth in the past year has to deal with a > 50 % drop in WTI), the Bank of Canada could care less about household imbalances.
«I was fully hoping that more than a year after all the proverbial stuff hit the fan that it'd be concluded now.
«Ulrich was playing kingmaker in that area before the Weiner stuff hit the fan.
As usual, the mysterian was not available for comment with stuff hitting the fan.
Or maybe the amiable woman (Julianne Moore) chatting up Marks before the stuff hit the fan?
John — a shrewd developer who knows all the tricks and is the guy flicking the switch when the smelly stuff hits the fan.
There are certain concrete truths in the whole of video gaming: Bowser will always kidnap Princess Peach, and Mario will always go after her; Master Chief can always be awakened when the stinky stuff hits the fan to fight... Read More
Now, I can get on with my day knowing that stuff hits the fan all the time.
In case stuff hits the fan, you'll want to have enough squirreled away to make those car payments or pay your rent.
Here's a free lesson: in life, sometimes, the stuff hits the fan, you'll be thrown a curveball, or some other metaphor will occur that means bad news for you.
If the proverbial stuff hits the fan, then either our editorial or development team know to who to reach out to, to make sure we can stop these issues as soon as possible.
Would it be wise to form a company instead of doing business as an individual to avoid the hammer in case stuff hits the fan or something goes wrong and comes back to bite me?
In the event that the stuff hits the fan, they have a better chance of cutting bait and getting out from under the property.
Likewise, we've all dealt with colleagues who draft off of others» achievements, salespeople who don't stand behind their products when the stuff hits the fan, and bosses who pass the buck far more often than they stop it.

Not exact matches

I will acknowledge that there will always be times where, when the stuff really hits the proverbial fan, you as CEO might have to step in to do some actual «work.»
When the * stuff * hits the fan the entire array of intelligence, military, covert ops finds itself without any satellite or computer back up.
TD: Yeah, I got hit with some (copyright) stuff from my original fan films.
Phineas and Ferb: Quest for Cool Stuff features many of the fan - favorite characters from the hit show, including Perry the Platypus — aka secret Agent P, Candace, Isabella, Buford, Baljeet, and the evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz, who is determined to unleash his latest creation, the «get - rid - of - cool - stuff - inator» on the Tri-State Stuff features many of the fan - favorite characters from the hit show, including Perry the Platypus — aka secret Agent P, Candace, Isabella, Buford, Baljeet, and the evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz, who is determined to unleash his latest creation, the «get - rid - of - cool - stuff - inator» on the Tri-State stuff - inator» on the Tri-State Area.
Fans of The Walking Dead were not surprised at all to see how great Okoye was in a fight because they've seen Danai Gurira show her stuff for many years as the katana - wielding Michonne on the hit zombie show.
# 47 — «I feel your pain,» but in this case it's actually the * same identical stuff * hitting the fan — despite the blogger's claim that Dr. Gustafsson's comments were «leaked two days ago,» the identical quote appeared in print in 2008, as a quick Google search will confirm.
If more stuff hits that fan, I don't have to be concerned because stuff happens.
It can't really be worse than some of the stuff that has gone on since Climategate, etc. «hit the fan» and could hopefully address some of the many points of contention in an impartial and rational manner.
If the proverbial «stuff» hits the fan, which service is sent to respond?
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