Sentences with phrase «stuff of life»

Why is that most of my greatest revelations come here, in the daily stuff of life?
Yes, of course my husband would help out, but who wants to be unable to do the everyday stuff of life?
This is the hard, meaningful stuff of life, not the fluff.
It is a moment that sets the course for how couples work together through the deep stuff of life.
It is fun to drop the heavy stuff of life and just spend time out there with the kids, enjoying the things they enjoy.
I am interested in the daily stuff of life.
These include intellectualization (mutating the primal stuff of life into objects of formal thought); dissociation (intense, often brief, removal from one's feelings); and repression, which, Vaillant says, can involve «seemingly inexplicable naïveté, memory lapse, or failure to acknowledge input from a selected sense organ.»
We talk about culture and real - life issues that other faith - based magazines might shy away from, because we believe it's important to address the gritty stuff of life — even when it makes us uncomfortable.
Man can only succeed in raising relation to constancy if he embodies it «in the whole stuff of life,» «if he realizes God anew in the world according to his strength and to the measure of each day.»
A sequenced genome is fine and dandy, but it doesn't reveal much about the real stuff of life: what proteins do or how they interact.
It sounds unappealing, I know, but to get the most pleasure out of your relationship all month long you do have to attend to the day - to - day stuff of life — the budgeting, the cleaning, the organizing — and you should be doing it together.
Gratitude helps you savor the good stuff of life.
The traditional stereotype of the one - dimensional woman who provides hot soup, sizzling sex, and unfailing emotional support (or endless nagging) to the male character who does all the active stuff of life is fading away.
The archive, established by photojournalists around the beginning of the Troubles in the early»80s, is equally concerned with protests, funerals and acts of terrorism as it is with the more ordinary stuff of life — drinking tea, kissing girls, watching trains.
I've seen so much stuff of lifes distress that it's hard to come to grips that this happens in the world.
I love it when creative women make us look good doing the grubby stuff of life.
What a great reminder that even in the midst of the yucky stuff of life God is faithful... even in the things I often take for granted.
As my girls grew up and I no longer had «little» models and I became involved with lots of the other stuff of life when you have growing children, I moved into creating refashioned and vintage clothing with my second Etsy shop, Tatters to Treasures, mostly for women, but occasionally I would still create pretty garments for children.
It is here, in the very stuff of life, that men and women so frequently and so wistfully abandon their dream of being «loving,» to all men.
The average everyday stuff of life that humans tend to leave strewn about are an open invitation for puppies not only to play with, but to inflict injury upon themselves.
Years from now most baby boomers will need help with the daily stuff of life, like dressing, bathing, eating or remembering to take medication.
«I was seeing more and more [students] who seemed less and less capable of doing the stuff of life.
Fulfilling relationships are the stuff of life, not late nights every night at the office.
But suspension of disbelief is not the same as lack of conviction, which is the stuff of life to both the poetic and the religious imagination.
Carbon is the stuff of life.
They have started tagging along for our church youth activities, and hanging at the house, and needing rides, and in the midst of this there is some sharing along the way about the stuff of their lives.
But the future holds in store not only possibilities for manipulating the stuff of life which the evolutionary process has produced.
Genuine words are the stuff of our life together.
It is not uncommon for even the better educated commentators to mention human cloning and GM food in the same breath: scientists, they say, are playing God by meddling with the stuff of life in this way.
The stuff of life.
Birth, death, illness, divorce, and distance — the stuff of life — altered the guest list from year to year, but essentially our culinary tradition remained intact, alternating between traditional - with - a-twist and very non-traditional thematic feasts: Cajun, Thai, American Diner, and more.
Crispy bits are the stuff of life.
Tahini is the stuff of life in Israel, like olive oil in Italy or butter in France.
These conflicts are the stuff of life.
But drama is the stuff of life, and the centrepiece of life in Westminster.
In five sections — Home, Food and Water, Health, Communications, and Energy — the web project Thanks to Chemistry uncovers the chemistry and the history hidden inside the stuff of our lives.
For them, blood is not something aversive at all — it is the stuff of life.
Proteins are the stuff of life.
He was the first to seriously question Aristotelian ideas that plants don't have the stuff of life that animates us and other animals, simply because they...
The stuff of life is sticky: put the right DNA base pairs together and they bond like Velcro.
At 212 degrees water turns to steam, and proteins — the very stuff of life — turns to glop.
That's far too fast for them to form the stuff of life, says chemist Matthew Levy, who works with origin of life specialist Stanley Miller at the University of California, San Diego.
As Gary Stix reviewed in «Owning the Stuff of Life,» in the February issue, companies and universities have been on a spree of patenting not only whole genes but also genetic fragments of unknown utility.
I look upon synesthesia as a gift - a memory device that helps me recall numbers, names, and the stuff of life»
«This process may be making a lot of the stuff of life, without any help from things that are alive,» says John Rummel, senior scientist for astrobiology for NASA's Planetary Science Division, who was not involved in the study.
If you're feeling icy or steamy, wet or thirsty we want to see your best creative visions of the stuff of life.
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