Sentences with phrase «stumble upon his works»

I've just recently stumbled upon your work.
And soon we stumble upon his works of healing, done with a strange authority.
I only JUST stumbled upon your work on this blog, so I am pretty pumped So excited to here about your recommendations!
Not only do readers have a book to click through to, after they finish the first, the chances that someone will stumble upon your work go up exponentially when you have more «points of contact.»
You stumble upon a work of theirs that just speaks to you, that is different from anything else you've seen.
It's naive to think readers will just find you (there were millions of titles published last year alone)-- yes, genre authors and non-fiction authors (who have a platform) do better, but there's just too much out there to expect readers to scroll through Amazon or Barnes & Noble and stumble upon your works.
I stumbled upon the work, something like six drawings with his name scrawled lyrically across the paper: JOSH SMITH, which is also my name.
I stumbled upon your work today because I was looking for new techniques for my pop art series and I feel in love with your work.

Not exact matches

Popova began her blog by pulling together all the interesting things she stumbled upon while working at an ad agency a few years ago.
It doesn't work to simply create content and hope someone stumbles upon it.
A lot of people stumble upon something that works for them, and then later on they find out there's a lot of research that's related to it.
My main point has been to suggest that, apart from «work,» the activity of using the world to satisfy human wants, mankind has devised or stumbled upon other activities and attitudes towards the world, the activities I have grouped together as «play.»
It's not perfect, but it does work (unless you've stumbled upon an previously unknown banned phrase).
While we're on the subject of form, I recently stumbled upon University of Texas mathematics professor Nikos Salingaros» phenomenal work Anti-Architecture and Deconstruction, a short excerpt of which is posted on his faculty page: In wanting to explain a cultural mystery — why....
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
While still working for Morning Chores I wrote a post on # of Oatmeal recipes and stumbled upon a savory oatmeal recipe.
Came across this on stumble upon, I made a big dish of it the other day and have been taking it to work with me as lunch, so yummy yummy, cant wait to try some of your other reciepes, especially the mediteranian mushroom caps, gonna do them for fathers day!
Baking / bringing to work next week, so happy to have stumbled upon this gem!
I just stumbled upon your site and love all your recipes.I have been missing a lot of German baked goods i grew up with and now that i am vegan i found it hard to recreate them.Thanks for all your hard work, i can't wait to start baking.
Wow stumbled upon this recipe yesterday and started my dough after work.
Dr. Atkins was a cardiologist who stumbled upon low carb as a way to help his heart patients, because he had read that it had worked for thousands of years.
I ended up searching around a bit, and stumbling upon this recipe for Shanghai noodles, which I could totally work with.
Hi Shannon, Just stumbled upon your site and am loving it - beautiful recipes photos - they are like works of art!
I don't know whether he stumbled upon by design or by accident but it is what we are going with at present and it appears to working quite well for us.
Some of you may be familiar with his work (he illustrated Graham Hunter's recent book about the club for example), but I was browsing the net when I stumbled upon Dan Leydon's blog and this fabulous comic on Xavi.
So we stumbled upon a candy compromise that really seems to be working for us.
We prefer to pack our own lunches for school and work, and we have stumbled upon some great healthy lunch recipes along the way.
I stumbled upon this fact in the 1990's while working with hundreds of crying infants in my pediatric practice.
However, we do know that handmade work and art is something that people don't wake up thinking they «need» especially — they most often stumble upon things they like and decide to buy it.
When I stumbled upon a solution that «worked,» I didn't question it - I just went with it.
«She did not stumble upon success through luck or charm; she forged it with hard work and raw grit.»
How did all of the different Leave campaigns stumble upon the same obscure branding agency in Ely, if they weren't working as a coordinated campaign?
Doug Dluzen, currently a graduate student in the Department of Pharmacology at Penn State University, says that he works in a fairly large lab where there are outlets to discuss research problems, and strategies, and «generally there is someone who has stumbled upon a problem before — being able to discuss my issues can be very helpful when troubleshooting an assay or transfection in the early stages of the experiments.»
Recently, Duke University biochemists working with mice stumbled upon a promising treatment.
The work led researchers to stumble upon another potential role for this gene, which enhances the healing power of mice when reactivated.
As it happened, I'd written a science fiction story that seemed like it might fit — it was about a couple of researchers working in a dusty lab who stumble upon a universal cure for cancer (you remember I said science fiction, right?)
Home scientists arguably lack the tools to stumble upon a new strain of influenza or accidentally create a deadly bioweapon, but they are apt to overlook fundamental laboratory safety measures that are important even when working with seemingly benign microbes.
I was in Miami this past weekend and pleasantly stumbled upon artist, Peter Tunney, whose work is filled with inspirational messages, which I...
In my pursuit of healthy armpits, I finally stumbled upon a natural homemade deodorant recipe that works and is still natural.
After the birth of my daughter, and after stumbling upon the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, I put in the work and started to transform my re -LSB-...]
I first stumbled upon Christy's work on another podcast and have become obsessed with this podcast.
I stumbled upon this recipe out of laziness by accident when I was searching for something quick and healthy to take to work with me.
The same applies to training schedules — if you work very hard, and very long, you could stumble upon the right combination of exercises to deliver huge muscles.
In her work to find the solution to her bingeing and weight gain, Reshanda stumbled upon Summer Tomato and started addressing her habits and psychology.
I stumbled upon it on Pinterest a couple weeks ago when I was working on sending out birth announcements (which I'll be sharing next week!).
So when I was looking for a new work dress to add to the rotation, I started browsing the Halogen dress selection at Nordstrom and stumbled upon this beautiful number.
Then you randomly stumble upon a curated selection of John Cusack movies on Netflix (because, hey, you happen to LOVE John Cusack so Netflix's recommendation algorithm is working perfectly), and you start Serendipity.
I recently stumbled upon a boutique named Apparis, the owners are two women originally from Paris who worked at high luxury retailers.
I was following work opportunity I stumbled upon online and I am excited that I was able to earn such great money.
So I was driving around the city looking for a cool place to shoot this red hot number and happened to stumble upon this ridiculously dope work of art.
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