Sentences with phrase «stunning statistic»

The really stunning statistic was the conversion to paying member of the people who had taken the time to fill out the information describing the size of their manhood.
While they've certainly been given a helping hand by Chinese clubs over the last year with Ramires and now Oscar expected to join his compatriot in the Far East, the fact that the total from players sold since June 2013 will go up to # 314m is a stunning statistic.
However, a stunning statistic is the fact that Villa have beaten Blackburn in their previous three visits to Ewood Park.
The stunning statistic is the fact that the Nerazzurri had possession of the ball nearly 62 percent of the match and could not find the back of the net.
This stunning statistic means that there are more people in the United States with pre-diabetes or diabetes than without it.
Yet tucked among the tables was a stunning statistic.
One stunning statistic: Over 90 percent of respondents believe their child is performing at or above average.
The school shooting near Houston on Friday bolstered a stunning statistic: More people have been killed at schools this year than have been killed while serving in the military.

The school shooting near Houston on Friday bolstered a stunning statistic: More people have been killed at schools this year than have been killed while serving in the military.

Look at this Stunning Statistic illustrating how banks fail to provide these debt collection companies with all of the appropriate documentation and records required by federal law.
(Another stunning statistic: more than 60 % of U.S. 13 - 34 smartphone users are on Snapchat!)
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