Sentences with phrase «stupid persons beliefs»

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Don't be so quick to call other people «stupid,» all human beings are the same, each with their own quirks and beliefs.
I'm just tired of people who say there is no God saying I am stupid for my beliefs when they act in moronic things and do things just as bad as Christians do in the name of what they believe.
So you're too stupid to give some examples on a belief blog that focuses on religion and people who are religious and that they speak about god to give me alternatives to different terms?
Quit trying to force your stupid beliefs on other people.
Be careful in thinking that people's beliefs shouldn't be protected, because one day someone may decide that something YOU believe is stupid and shouldn't be protected.
we are animals... some people are stupid and pray to imaginary beings... there is no natural code of conduct requiring us to think you are somehow better than just another moron... you want respect, EARN it... one way to do that is to keep your religious beliefs to yourself instead of inflicting that crap on everyone around you...
This is like that stupid mosque fiasco I swear some people can be really snotty at times with their beliefs.
This blog allows me the chance to show people why belief in God is illogical and all around stupid.
It is dangerous to believe in «evil spirtis, demons» etc. since belief in that which there is no evidence for sometimes causes people to do stupid things, like try to remove whatever spirits someone thinks are there.
We arent» allow to talk about it because we might «offend» some other stupid persons «beliefs».
========== Atheists are on this board all day every day with one basic message: «people that believe in the God of Abraham are stupid» (the nice version is «people that believe in God are engaging in holding rational and irrational beliefs simultaneously, but we wont call them «stupid»)», and you never see this kind of outpouring of incensed righteous indignation from Christians.
People have been killed because of beliefs, and if this is what we're arguing about, this is absolutely stupid.
Atheists are more stupid than religious people because at least religious people have a purpose for their belief other than being contrarian.
And people who do stupid things like openly attacking other people's beliefs like that guy... well, sometimes you get what you deserve... sometimes there is a distinction between what's legal and what's smart...
All her theories and beliefs are stupid, but then only stupid people are following her... sorta kinda like Missy Pamela of the Atlas Shrugged website.
Hopefully some day we can learn to just look the other way (You know, turn the other cheek as Christ taught), or learn that saying other people's beliefs are stupid (atheist's you don't like it when people tell you you're wrong, but you feel you can tell others they're wrong) is detrimental to a civilized society.
wow this is stupid, as a non believer i pride myself on being among a group of people who (largely) do nt try to push their beliefs down other peoples throats through political ideals / legislation / or annoying gimmicks such as this, most atheists / agnostics are intelligent enough to draw their own conclusion without the help of a billboard, all this is doing is giving us a bad name
Let me chase a rabbit when it comes to basing your belief or unbelief on people: Not believing in God because of hypocrites or weird Christians is, to be blunt, a stupid reason to become an atheist.
I, for one, believe that some people are too weak - minded and require the belief in God in order to not do stupid things.
It is easy to stand and prophecy that in the future there will be strange new religions, that people will do things foreign to our understanding, and swear that our gods will not be pleased... and be correct... because it is the nature of human beings to change, to modify our beliefs to fit our experience, to seek out new understanding, change the way we dress and do our hair, and unfortunately, it is in our nature to fight over stupid crap like land and religion.
Perry is using religion as a stamp of approval to get votes from «believers» who are: 1) gullible enough to believe this nonsense about hearing directly from God; and 2) those stupid enough to accept that religious beliefs along qualify a person to run a country.
The atheists aren't afraid of the beliefs but everyone knows stupid people in large numbers are dangerous and that is what they can't stand, so many truly ignorant stupid people!
Stan,,, RELIGION IS NOT STUPID,,, people who practice stupid beliefs are the stupid ones, not reSTUPID,,, people who practice stupid beliefs are the stupid ones, not restupid beliefs are the stupid ones, not restupid ones, not religion
Hate to say it, but for all the rhetoric about religious people being «intolerant», I usually see the most hate and intolerance coming from non religious people who feel the need to post about how «stupid» someone elses beliefs are.
Their belief may be «stupid» but not necessarily the person.
Then until you know, stop calling other people stupid for their beliefs.
The same way I don't go around spouting my religious beliefs, he doesn't go around telling people online and off that religion is stupid and making fun of people's beliefs.
Just agree to disagree rather than calling people stupid becuase they happen to have beliefs that are different from yours.
Negative Core Beliefs — I am unlovable I am not good enough I am a bad person I am stupid I am ugly I am abnormal I am boring I am worthless I don't deserve love or good things in my life
This anonymous woman demonstrated cultural beliefs about fat people: lazy, stupid, gluttonous and untalented second class citizens worthy of only tent - like clothes.
Back in the 19th century, a lot of reform - minded European writers — H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Henrik Ibsen — became interested in eugenics, which boiled down to the belief that since stupid people tend to elect stupid leaders, power should therefore reside not with the aristocratic but an intellectual elite.
Changing a previously held belief doesn't mean you are a bad or stupid person.
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