Sentences with phrase «stupidity as»

Mr. Peter Miller, I think the «public» has been gullible, the «political elite» are sociopaths and the question of our stupidity as a nation has not yet been fully addressed.
I've dealt with, and continue to deal with, debt issues because of my stupidity as a younger man.
As much as I hate on the banks / Realtors / advisors / car salespeople, at some point, we need to stop blaming others and look at our own collective stupidity as a contributing factor.
The film is as convincing in its stupidity as it is in its intelligence.
Stupidity as a badge of honor.
Renaissance man, mix of many passions with Learning as their Queen, Common Sense as its King, and Allergic to Stupidity as its Fool.
just a blatant ripofff and nothing else but it has finally made me see this crooked site for just what itreally is and my own stupidity as well.
Those of us who know what we know will always caution the NPP people to stop their campaign of stupidity as far as National Security is concerned.
Gomez playing the left side is plain stupidity as seen in the west ham game, the guy couldn't make a cross.
If you have a teenager, have them peruse the Brutal Effects of Stupidity as a primer for that all important se - x talk.
Said ad expenditures should have been used to promulgate the Brutal Effects of Stupidity as noted previously.
I define stupidity as «remediable but unremedied ignorance,» and few human traits are more evident to a reader of your average website.
The cross, by its religous meaning, simbolizes the human stupidity as most people is.
It is infinitely comic that at the bottom of the practical wisdom which is so much extolled in the world, at the bottom of all the devilish lot of good counsel and wise saws and «wait and see» and «put up with one's fate» and «write in the book of forgetfulness» — that at the bottom of all this, ideally understood, lies complete stupidity as to where the danger really is and what the danger really is.
I am ashamed and embarrassed of such stupidity as what this moron preaches.
Said absolution will not erase the significant sin of stupidity as a great percentage of abortions are the result of not taking the Pill daily as spelled out in large letters on the package and / or not using a condom.
If it is, you are hardly qualified to discuss stupidity as you appear to be to immersed in it to be objective.
Instead, we have wasted a million person - hours on such stupidities as the cost of a will.

Not exact matches

Working 60 hours straight without sleep isn't a badge of honor, it's a mark of stupidity, and a sign to me as an investor that you might be a potential liability to your company.
That sense is what I refer to as the yin and yang of the entrepreneur: the perfect balance of arrogance and stupidity.
Now, increasingly, I saw it as a badge of stupidity.
Second, the electoral college got stuck in to provide a last line of defense against public stupidity — in case you didn't know it, the electors aren't legally bound to vote as their state's majority has.
Is it really «an era of stupidity» as Dennis Prager calls our times?
maybe you should go back to school... you can believe ant stupidity you want... but it is indeed a source of wonderment as to why you nutcases believe in fairy tales and even children realize when they are 8 that santa clause and the tooth fairy are just stories... we really are incredulous that you continue to spout your nonsense... we are actually trying to help you not sound completely ignorant of reality!
Who wants to engage in stupidity such as that?
Outright stupidity is given the same weight as intelligent debate, I assume in the interest of «fairness» or trying not to appear as the «liberal media».
«Since we proposed punctuated equilibria to explain trends, it is infuriating to be quoted again and again by creationists - whether through design or stupidity, I do not know - as admitting that the fossil record includes no transitional forms.
But I digress... Why should I need to «admit» that there are jerks or morons in the world as if we all share a collective atheist guilt for the misdeeds or stupidity of a few?
As Confucius said... «Better to remain silent and give illusion of stupidity than open mouth and remove all doubt.»
Stupidity, as the saying goes, is doing today exactly what we did yesterday and expecting different results.
They, personally, find it «distasteful» (although it is AMAZING how many prominent anti-gay people end up being exposed as gay), and, because they can use their delusion to justify such an inhuman and anti-American stance, they feel the need to force their stupidity on everyone else.
My biggest concern about the movie is that, while its female characters are strong and complex, the men are largely portrayed as helpless oafs, breaking out into silly fights at every opportunity and generally complicating matters with their stupidity.
I ran headlong into my own «sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity» just two weeks ago when I gave a lecture for a writers conference at Princeton Theological Seminary and in reference to Jesus» parable of the vineyard workers, described God as a «generous master» whom we serve with our faithful work.
The hardness of the disciples» hearts, or, as it may seem to us, their incredible stupidity, appears also in other places, especially in Mark.
If you don't believe then that's fine, but pointing to sports believers as evidence of the stupidity of religion just points out your own narrow mindedness.
If there is a supreme being, we should be laughing at it's stupidity for making such bizarre freaks as Mormons.
niknak, as with all atheists haven't a clue what they think or speak, but, will proudly share their stupidity with all.
Just a reminder, someday humanity will wipe away ignorance and intolerance like your as we did small pox, we might even invent an inoculation for you, but until then we will just continue to suffer your stupidity and hope that the minority of religious conservatives in this country never get to elect their insane candidates.
As long as you have people with free will you are going to have greed, stupidity, and accidentAs long as you have people with free will you are going to have greed, stupidity, and accidentas you have people with free will you are going to have greed, stupidity, and accidents.
Immorality is defined as stupidity in the Bible.
As Karl Barth said, one mark of our stupidity is that we say things to the wrong person.
Evangelical christianity is the epitomy of shallow, self rigtious and destructive beliefs and provides nothing of value to humanity whatsoever... One's participation in it reinforces abject stupidity and a lack of understanding of what is inately know to humanity as goodness.
I can see why some might see that as a form of stupidity.
And for all of the sure - footed atheists out there, I do not hate you, or condemn you for your utter idiocy and stupidityas you would me — a man of Faith.
Denial is stupidity and using that as a tough guy image surely wont make u happy or any better i feel sorry for anyone who talks like that.
They are taking their stupidity to the Kentucky Legislature and attempting to force other students to be as d umb as they are.
The lies and brutality, as well as the stupidity and fear, grew and have long since grown far beyond the frontiers of Germany.
I point out stupidity, cruelty and idiots as I see fit.
Though it has been done, it is philosophical stupidity to deny either that we experience spatially extended objects or that we experience ourselves as active conscious centers of feeling, experience, thought, intention, attention, volition, desire, emotion, satisfaction, etc..
The same stupidity prevailed after 9/11 when turban wearing Indian - American Sikhs were physically attacked in the streets because they looked Muslim, and when Muslim communities were subjected to increased state surveillance, extra airport screening, extrajudicial renderings of innocent people to torture chambers, racial profiling, and the heinous crimes committed against innocent Muslims everywhere by the US Military without so much as an expression of regret and remorse from the American public.
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