Sentences with phrase «style of worship»

There are many different styles of worship and people tend to gather at the churches where they feel comfortable with the worship.
Assist in the planning and implementation of new worship experiences with modern, contemporary and traditional styles of worship music and formats.
I wonder how you view worship and current struggles over styles of worship.
Further, participants in congregations using contemporary styles of worship are, on average, notably younger.
Notice none of this has to do with people of my own color as much as it does style of worship.
One is the turn toward theological and social liberalism; the other is an entertainment - oriented, self - indulgent style of worship.
It appears the majority of difference ethnic groups have different preferred styles of worship.
Some of her friends left to join a new «community» church which had simpler, more spontaneous styles of worship, enabled by sophisticated electronic equipment.
They had different standards, different ways of raising children, different diets, different styles of worship, different beliefs, different social patterns.
But my dad & grandmother are church bullies; you don't attend the same style of worship service, study the same Bible translation, and believe to the letter exactly what they believe then they feel the need to «correct» and «instruct».
We have seen God work through people of varying denominations and styles of worship for millennia.
White tends to be more in traditional old style churches whose style of worship is different from the traditional black churches.
A find - the - next - hip - thing style of worship misses the main point of a loving interaction between Jesus and His bride.
This imitation of the oppressor's style of worship distances these churches from the rejoicing and weeping of their less - advantaged black brothers and sisters.
These blacks often imitate the white style of worship, with services characterized by brevity, quietness, and pomp and circumstance.
The auditorium church and its associated style of worship faded in popularity after World War I.
Although the competitive spirit between two distinct styles of worship has not led to anarchy, a certain sadness accompanies our compartmentalization of praise.
Curiously, similar features characterize Protestant and Roman Catholic styles of worship, with some Roman Catholics showing as much nostalgia for 16th century forms as the most ardent Lutherans.
Within the past decade it became evident that more contemporary and expressive styles of worship were beginning to creep from west to east and from neo-Pentecostal into oldline Protestant congregations.
New styles of worship, new forms of community, new approaches to communication will be required.
Lutheran congregations provide a good Petri dish for studying the megachurch impact, because Lutherans have a distinct theological tradition which they express in a particular liturgical style of worship.
People of different ethnic backgrounds worship many different ways with different styles of worship music.
Is this the picture of the American church having forgotten the wonder of the Exodus, grumbling over the quality of the Wednesday night fellowship meals, over styles of worship, over theological niceties, anxious about tight budgets and membership rolls while a world starves for bread and Bread?
Drawing on a consumer model, such congregations will hold multiple and different styles of worship services each Sunday to appeal to the varying liturgical tastes of adherents.
I discovered people who loved Jesus greatly, whose style of worship and theology was quite different from my own.
First, introducing contemporary styles of worship is not a panacea.
Students will assess the advantages and disadvantages of different styles of Worship and evaluate the most popular type.
However, I would never look down on someone else because their style of worship is not like mine.
Eastern rites huddle alongside liturgical practices (hardly a peripheral issue in the East) disfigured by rebarbative banality, by hymnody both insipid and heterodox, and by a style of worship that looks flippant if not blasphemous.
Some of them drive miles from their home because they like our church, what they hear from the pulpit, and our style of worship.
But it had more to do with a style of worship, preaching, and music than anything.
The reason we have people that congregate according to their origin is because of the style of worship.
I seldom worship in a different ethnic congregation, not because of race, but because of the difference in the style of worship.
The fact that blacks enjoy a style of worship and sermon that whites don't enjoy and vice versa.
Even though the style of worship is different we still worship the same God the Trinity and believe we are saved by the Grace of God and the death burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
If you go to an African American church the style of worship and preaching may be significantly different from the style of an Anglo church.
Because slaves and ex-slaves couldn't read and worshipped through passionate song, the post-slavery black churches developed that style of worship.
One of the first things noticed at a church is its style of worship.
The style of worship also varies greatly from group to group.
The name «Free Church» is often applied to this style of worship, but what flourishes today under that title is greatly different from what evolved during English Puritanism's struggle to be free to order worship according to God's word.
The Roman Catholics, with whom I am especially familiar, go to church, have some appreciation of their theological underpinnings and are hoping to find a slightly different style of worship, teaching and activity from what they had experienced in their home parishes.
Third, the FACT data show that congregations that seek to change their style of worship will have to pay the price of conflict.
More important, the data show that this style of worship — measured in the survey by the use of electronic instruments in worship — is correlated with membership growth across all Protestant families, including oldline denominations.

Phrases with «style of worship»

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