Sentences with phrase «style than their teacher»

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They argue that schooling the twins together allows them to experience the same teacher and teaching style without one having a «better» or «more fun» experience than the other.
A Montessori toddler teacher once showed me an electric orange juicer she used in her class, being electric the children loved using it and they were able to make enough juice to share, rather than juicing by hand where they will tire easily (similar style here, the child still juices from the top).
I've gone to many styles of barre classes over the years, and some are wiser than others at when to use a neutral spine versus a tucked pelvis, but I trust that you'll find the teachers that make your low back feel best.
Knowing there was more to yoga than just stretching the physical body, I explored many different eastern philosophies and practiced many different styles of yoga, and eventually found my way to the teacher training at the YogaLife Institute.
She's hilarious, she is a teacher, and she's got way better style than me.
Although I love classy, I am also very much aware that I am a teacher, so that means a different style than if I would be working in a bank or for a law firm.
PD is already confined to a couple of weeks in the summer, but then throw on top of that the «sit - and - get» style in which we teach our content, and you can see why most teachers would rather surf Pinterest than learn during these sessions.
The old - style Parent Teacher Association (PTA)-- whose national membership has declined from more than 12 million in 1965 to around 5 million in 2010 — is seen by these groups as an extension of the educational establishment.
That's a grave blow to Carnegie - style professionalism - and becomes more damaging as evidence emerges that such schools perform just as well as, and possibly better than, traditional public schools with all their certified teachers and principals.
Cambridge, MA — A new study finds that 8th grade students in the U.S. score higher on standardized tests in math and science when their teachers allocate greater amounts of class time to lecture - style presentations than to group problem - solving activities.
A teacher for more than thirty years, Styles is a veteran educator who has taught students in kindergarten through 7th grade, in both regular and multi-aged settings.
Today, on average, teachers spend more time on problem - solving activities than they do making lecture - style presentations.
These analysts took advantage of the fact that the 2003 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS) not only tested a nationally representative sample of U.S. 8th graders in math and science, but also asked their teachers what percentage of class time was taken up by students «listening to lecture - style presentations» rather than either «working on problems with the teacher's guidance» or «working on problems without guidance.»
Contrary to contemporary pedagogical thinking, we find that students score higher on standardized tests in the subject in which their teachers spent more time on lecture - style presentations than in the subject in which the teacher devoted more time to problem - solving activities.
If entrepreneurs can be «too nice» in a public forum, self - styled reformers can be too vague — choosing to bang familiar drums like «teacher unions,» «school choice,» «accountability,» or «incentives» rather than talking clearly and concretely about the mechanics of reinventing K — 12 education.
In their new report, they try to argue that traditional defined benefit pension plans are better for charter school teachers than 401k - style plans, but in the process they make some glaringly misleading assumptions.
I have it on good authority from no less than @TheWeirdTeacher that while learning styles have been debunked we (as designers / teachers) have to mix up how we present the learning experience.
In contrast to statistically nonsignificant differences for the teachers within levels of school effectiveness, these statistically significant differences among teachers across schools suggest that a teacher's preferred style of interacting with students is a teaching dimension which is less well influenced by the practice of others at the school level than other dimensions of teaching being investigated in our study (e.g., time spent by students in independent reading, or degree of home communication).
A higher incidence of most accomplished teachers exhibited a preferred interaction style of coaching (n = 13; 48 %) than did the least accomplished teachers (n = 1; 6 %) or moderately accomplished teachers (n = 5; 21 %).
The total number of times a teacher was coded as engaging in each of these behaviors (more than one was possible within each segment) was calculated, and the behavior coded most frequently across all five observations was determined to be the teacher's preferred interaction style.
During the speech (which featured a talk show host - style walk - through and a less - than - sincere effort at folksiness with her «welcome home» to the crowd), Weingarten complained that reformers and cost - cutting governors have made «threats» to the lives and livelihoods of teachers and others within AFT membership.
And she would fight to get rid of the ridiculous industrial - style «step and column» method of paying teachers which treats them as interchangeable widgets and she would acknowledge that great teachers are worth more and should be paid more than their less talented brethren.
Nearly two thirds of districts report hiring teachers on temporary permits and waivers, and half of those districts hired a greater proportion of teachers on these emergency - style permits this year than they did last year (see Figure 3).
Setting specific topics and not letting students stray, making them use a particular writing style, tone, or vocabulary, and doing all of the editing themselves are a few ways in which teachers» incorporation of wikis could hamper rather than enhance students» literacy success.
The authors share their experience with this leadership style and document the sustainable results of transformational leaders working with teachers as partners rather than adversaries.
Continuing in this tradition, Taylor et al. (2000) found that accomplished primary grade teachers provided more small - group than whole - group instruction, had high pupil engagement, had a preferred teaching style of coaching as opposed to telling, and engaged students in more higher - level thinking related to reading than other teachers.
These results indicate that the percentage of teachers within each learning style who left the treatment schools was significantly different than expected.
Our findings indicated that teachers who were classified as having an ST learning style were more than three times as likely to leave the intervention schools as were teachers with one of the other learning profiles.
A hallmark of the Broad - style leadership is closing existing schools rather than attempting to improve them, increasing class size, opening charter schools, imposing high - stakes test - based accountability systems on teachers and students, and implementing of pay for performance schemes.
Relatively few individuals other than your teachers and scholarly consultants will read your proposal, so make a point to keep your composition style format.
It might be harder for you to do this already since you're a different writer than the one who originally wrote it and the tone and style of writing might vary greatly when you submit it to your teacher.
Alma Thomas did not achieve her mature painting style until the 1960s, after she retired after more than three decades as a junior high school art teacher.
in a writing style that is far more typical of a liberal arts professor or a high school teacher than that of a world - class mathematician.
The style and design of a resume for an Elementary Teacher resume will look very different than the style preferred by those hiring in the financial or tech sectors.
59 The Gurian Institute has trained more than 50,000 teachers about effective ways of working with boys» different learning styles.
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