Sentences with phrase «sub specie»

This seems over pessimistic in the light of so many biblical assertions that we are to lookat life sub specie aeternitatis.
The view of terrestrial life sub specie aeternitatis («under the aspect of eternity») is a philosophical ideal made commonplace by flight and satellite imagery, yet it remains persistently transcendent.
Seen sub specie aeternitatis, encouraging someone to believe that we don't really know what God thinks about sexuality, and that each of us must work it out for ourselves, and anyway it doesn't matter much as long as we do our recycling and volunteer at a homeless shelter, is as serious an error as telling them that God hates them because they have homosexual feelings.
For the true claims of Jews and Christians are based on the doctrine of revelation, which means that they are essentially the recipients of a message about the world, one given to them from the only source who can see the world from the perspective of transcendence — sub specie divinitatis.
Is there a sense in which sub specie aeternitatis Hosea's acceptance of Gomer depends upon the work of God in Christ?
Since which possibilities occur is logically contingent, sub specie aeternatatis and divorced from all actualities, no possibilities could be distinguished (except perhaps for metaphysical and logical categories, to which Hartshorne believes that there are no consistent alternatives).7 Hence, it would be impossible for God from all eternity to contemplate all possibilities and pre-decide his response to every possible combination of them (as Creel holds).
I can never look at anything sub specie aeternitatis.
No, Tony dear, contemptus mundi means «detachment from the world,» seeing everything sub specie aeternitatis.»
Father Joe is a memoir, to be sure, but in the midst of his other obiter dicta on politics and humor, it would have been gratifying to see Hendra begin to forge a few more barbs tipped with a little sub specie aeternitatis, even if they were tossed from left of center.
The Wildcat's sub specie from what the domestic cat descends is most likely African wildcat, based on genetics, morphology and behavior (source: Wikipedia).
Insofar as God (according to Anselm) is not only that than which nothing greater can be conceived, but also that which is greater than anything which can be conceived, the historical development, on the scale relative to culture, of more and more adequate conceptions of God must also be seen as the development on the absolute scale, or sub specie aeternitatis, of ever more nearly true conceptions of God.
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