Sentences with phrase «subatomic level of»

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At most simple levels of material synthesis, individual nodes of organization like subatomic particles are only determinate as functions within a bigger framework, so it is perhaps not surprising that their behaviour can only be expressed in terms of statistical probability.
Whitehead's ontological principle implies that everything is an actual entity (in the strictest sense of the word) or combination of actual entities: both mental experiences and events on the subatomic level are actual entities.
At the subatomic level we may speak of tiny bits of mass and various forces (e.g., electromagnetism, gravity», the strong force), but Bergson is betting that insofar as these forces really» are forces, they are one force, and insofar as they» are composites of matter and élan vital they are energy.
The very notion of a «field», such as the Higgs field, is a mathematical and physical model describing the interrelationship of matter at the subatomic level, what Holloway would have called an «equational» relationship since in this vision (that espoused by Faith movement) the cosmos is a vast, ordered equation.
That's right, the certain predictability of cause and effect also disappears at the subatomic level.
In our May 2011 Cutting Edge column and our November 2005 editorial we applied this insight to low - level, or subatomic, physics, using De Broglie's interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Birch and Cobb maintain that the ecological model is more adequate than the mechanical model for explaining DNA, the cell, other biological subject matter (as well as subatomic physics), because it holds that living things behave as they do only in interaction with other things which constitute their environment (LL 83) and because «the constituent elements of the structure at each level (of an organism) operate in patterns of interconnectedness which are not mechanical» (LL 83).
Matter is no longer an ultimate concept; the hierarchy of macroscopic, molecular, atomic, subatomic levels trails away without hitting rock - bottom until matter dissolves into patterns of energy - concentration, and then perhaps into tensions in space.
As for isness or is - notness, I find the universe too complex for that either / or; I'm not a fan of either / or either:) On a human - eye scale I'm mostly a human being; on a cellular level, I'm mostly water / liquid; on a subatomic level, I'm mostly vibrations; on a sub-sub particulate / vibrational level I'm mostly not there.
In our world the football spectrum contains a lot of Navy and Orange, and the occasional Halas - like wavelength on a subatomic level, with the occasional Ditkaesque groove on an incandescent aura.
Cardoso counters that this apparent mass only affects things at a subatomic level — the photon's real mass is what matters at the scale of the black hole.
A major criticism of Russell's view of uncertainty as God's tool for shaping the world is that quantum events usually play out only on the subatomic level.
Such dark energy might arise from the tangle of fields that fill the vacuum on the subatomic level.
Quantum mechanics govern the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic levels in exotic and counterintuitive ways as compared to the everyday world of classical physics.
«Once the body dies, some part of our consciousness leaves us and travels to a new plane,» the scientist explains, evidenced by his machine that measures, as another character puts it, «brain wavelengths on a subatomic level leaving the body after death.»
Japan's Makato Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa share the Nobel Prize with American Yoichiro Nambu for work related to a fundamental description of nature at the subatomic particle level through what is known as broken symmetries.
Once you scale up from the subatomic level, other factors disrupt transparency, like flaws in a uniform material — think of bubbles in a piece of glass.
The discovery of the Higgs boson represents the final piece of the puzzle in the Standard Model of particle physics, a theory that describes how three of the four fundamental forces — electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear forces — interact at the subatomic level (but does not include gravity).
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