Sentences with phrase «subatomic scales»

The Schrödinger Equation is the foundation of quantum mechanics: It describes the non-intuitive behavior of systems at atomic and subatomic scales.
Steve: The work has enabled the entire field to experimentally examine quantum states, the weird behavior of matter on subatomic scales that were formally only open to analysis theoretically.
On atomic or subatomic scales, gravity is so weak compared with the other forces that most physicists see no problem with leaving it out of the picture.
The other is quantum mechanics, which describes what happens at the atomic and subatomic scale.
Scientists since the early 20th century have struggled with the question of how one set of physical laws governing objects above a certain size can co-exist alongside a different set of laws governing the atomic and subatomic scale.
Known as cosmic rays, they have revolutionised our understanding of matter at the subatomic scale.
But to image dynamics at the atomic scale, you need a much faster flash and a way to set subatomic scale objects in motion.
According to the first theory, the seeds which gave rise to the present day structure in the Universe are quantum fluctuations, minute variations on a subatomic scale that were expanded by more than 60 orders of magnitude as the Universe went through an «inflationary phase» — a period of extremely rapid expansion — first proposed by Alan Guth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The Casimir forces are due to the quantisation of electromagnetic fluctuations in vacuum, while the weak nuclear interactions are mediated by subatomic scale particles, originally called mesons by Yukawa.
The journey of light through space is illuminated in the water and gold dust, moving slowly with convection currents from heated elements beneath the tank, alluding to the similar structure of macro and microworlds: stars in the cosmos and micro-particles in the subatomic scale.
By contrast, quantum mechanics is fuzzy because when the world is observed at the subatomic scale, it is apparent that particles are also waves: A dancing electron is both a tangible nugget and an oscillation of energy.

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Instead, I could join Hawking on fantastical adventures to the edges of black holes and inside time - traveling spacecraft; shrink down to the infinitesimal scale of subatomic particles; and journey to the birth and eventual death of the universe.
The succession of scientific discoveries and revolutions in physics over the last 500 years have led to fundamental paradigm shifts (Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962) in the way that science conceives of the reality of this universe both on the cosmological scale and in the subatomic realm, and perhaps even beyond this universe.
As for isness or is - notness, I find the universe too complex for that either / or; I'm not a fan of either / or either:) On a human - eye scale I'm mostly a human being; on a cellular level, I'm mostly water / liquid; on a subatomic level, I'm mostly vibrations; on a sub-sub particulate / vibrational level I'm mostly not there.
Quantum mechanics is a physical science dealing with the behaviour of matter and energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles / waves.
Einstein also failed to deliver an all - encompassing theory of «quantum gravity» — one that reconciled the laws of gravity observed on the scale of stars and galaxies with the laws of quantum mechanics, the branch of physics that explains the behavior of particles in the subatomic realm.
Cardoso counters that this apparent mass only affects things at a subatomic level — the photon's real mass is what matters at the scale of the black hole.
Instead it takes us to specific waypoints throughout the physical scales of the cosmos across 62 orders of magnitude, from the quantum building blocks of the subatomic world to realms in which entire planets are mere droplets of frozen minerals and onward into the greatest expanse yet discovered, in which entire galaxies swarm like glinting motes of dust against the cosmic horizon.
A near - match for Colman's brilliance, Olivia Williams is Jenny's strait - laced, but wounded sister Alice, whose job at CERN allows Kirkwood to shift the scale of her storytelling from the existential, through the political and the personal, way down to the subatomic.
We are spared such paradoxes because the rules of quantum physics seem confined to subatomic objects — in the human - scale world, a cat is either alive or dead.
The researchers measured subatomic - scale motion in a gold nanoparticle.
Once you scale up from the subatomic level, other factors disrupt transparency, like flaws in a uniform material — think of bubbles in a piece of glass.
Caltech's chemists and chemical engineers study nature's most intricate processes on scales from the subatomic to the macroscopic.
He continues: «The magnification of the universe from the subatomic to the macro scales seems kind of crazy, but it keeps on predicting the things that we see in the universe.»
Heliophysics plays out on scales ranging from the fusion of subatomic particles taking place in the heart of the sun to the grand sweep of magnetic storms that can engulf entire planets.
100 % certainty means we know every possible potential driver of global temperature on the scales of subatomic particles, atoms and molecules, the microscopic, the macroscopic, the Earth, the Solar System, the galaxy, and the Universe.
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