Sentences with phrase «subject and object»

In the electronic media, a radically altered relationship between subject and object emerges with which the old critical concepts can not deal.
His work makes frequent use of the book, both as subject and object, and is concerned with relationships between public history, individual memory, and perception.
This starting point almost inevitably divides the world into subjects and objects.
Rather, the subject remained subject and the object remained object.
As both actors and victims of ecological alterations, human agency is now so embedded within nature that the distinction between subject and object becomes obsolete.
Essentially, all this secondary camera is doing is using black and white shots to gauge how much light is hitting the sensor, based upon the different subjects and objects inside the scene.
At the same time the language of the resume should be simple, no long sentences with unclear subject and object.
His art makes frequent use of the book, both as subject and object, and is concerned with relationships between public history, individual memory, and perception.
Strictly speaking, ideal compassion was not conceived as a form of love according to the definition of love in this chapter, for in it there was ultimately no distinction of subject and object of love.
It is, he further clarifies, by the primarily emotive nature of this relation of subject and object in experience that there arises a «conformity of feeling,» a «sympathetic bond,» between the two relata found in experience.
On display until 30 April 2017 as part of Desert X in the Coachella Valley, Mirage presents a continually changing encounter in which subject and object, inside and outside, are in constant flux.
Write a few examples on the board, and then ask students to help you fill in an expanded chart including subject and object pronouns, as well as adding possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives
Whitehead is among those who retain the distinction of subject and object while rejecting the accompanying epistemological and metaphysical dualisms.
Religion is a symbol system which serves to evoke «the totality which includes subject and object and provides the context in which life and action finally have meaning».2
The gay moment is in some ways similar to the moment that other communities have experienced in the nation's past, but it is also something more, because sexual identity is in crisis throughout the population, and gay people» at once the most conspicuous subjects and objects of the crisis» have been forced to invent a complete cosmology to grasp it.
Almost incurably subject and object tend to become separated from each other in the act of knowing.
Is, then, the reformed subjectivist principle of Whitehead finally identical with the Hegelian principle that subject and object mutually and reciprocally determine each other?
Concepts typically encourage the dualism of subject and object rather than the nondual vision that comes closer to the truth.
We raise these limitations because they bear directly on Charles Hartshorne's question of the reconciliation of special relativity's denial of absolute simultaneity with the process view of God.15 How indeed can God participate both as possible subject and object in every actual occasion in a universe subject to a principle of locality?
The whole purpose of that book, as Quentin Lauer makes clear in his admirable commentary, is to lead the reader through a dialectically ordered series of reflections to a new self - awareness in which he / she concretely realizes the dynamic unity of subject and object within his / her own consciousness.
Attempts at reducing the world to subjects and objects inevitably fail because they do not recognize that we are hopelessly interrelated with the world that we experience (PR 49 - 50; SMW 129).
For the third group, who take symbolism seriously, religion is seen as a system of symbols which is neither simply objective nor simply subjective, but which links subject and object in a way that transfigures reality or even, in a sense, creates reality.
This work sheets guide student to examine art work through the lenses of context, subject and object whilst always bringing the student back to how the work can link back their own personal experience of the work.
The application allows for students to get a 3D object view in their textbooks of subjects and objects related to Chemistry for now but would be extended to cover other subjects also soon.
Here, Place the Lever is the abject, conceptualizing a difficult commons between subject and object populated by semiocapital, networked identity, digital culture and other symptoms of modernity.
A Stroll through the Worlds of Animals and Men» Jacob von Uexkull (1957) / EXTRACT:» We are easily deluded into assuming that the relationship between a foreign subject and the objects in his world exists on the same spatial and temporal plane as our own relations with the objects in our human world.
As subject and object melted into one, the viewer was invited to look with reflection and delectation on an image that would usually not command that kind of attention.
In parallel to painting and drawing engaged in abstract questions of color and light intermingled with the subject - matter of personal and historical trauma, Bracha developed a series of concepts for rethinking subject and object and the unconscious, including the matrixial time, matrixial space and gaze, transubjectivity and metramorphosis, which led to a new understanding of both the feminine and the human subject.
I attempt to map out cartographies of tension and compression that represent moments of transformation, movement and entropy whereby subject and object are no longer discernible.»
But the artworks are surely subject and object (to very loosely reference Jacques Derrida) and situate the work in the historic direction, of Kurt Schwitters and Dada, Arte Povera and the NeoConcretists, as much as from the tradition of abstract art.
Subjects and objects collide in artworks that capture the «construction» performed to create them.
With the title of your current solo show A Subject Self - Defined (until March 19 at TRANSFER Gallery, Brooklyn, NY), in which you present large animated versions of the Selfie Drawings, you refer to Joseph Kosuth's neon piece «Subject and object self - defined».
Marti regularly combines seemingly incongruous subjects and objects in elegant and witty arrangements, revealing surprising affinities.
The show's title refers to a term used to explain a paradox of quantum physics wherein subject and object were rendered indistinguishable (Verschränkung) and that the act of observation affects the object being observed (the Uncertainty Principle).
This is what the English reader and writer expects to see — and anything which breaks up that order takes away from the meaning — so, sentences should not be more than 25 words without good reason, and verbs subjects and objects should not be separated if possible.
There is a large viewfinder for viewing subjects and objects in a frame and users have the option to choose between 16: 9 or 4:3 aspect ratio.
Huawei promises faster computing and long - term power maintenance due to its NPU; however, primary AI functions on the Mate 10 include identifying subjects and objects in photographs and language translation features.
If one purges the notions of mentality and physicality of their associations with subject and object, one comes to a different understanding of them; at least Whitehead did.
I believe that similar insights are conveyed by Whitehead when he argues against understanding the relationship between subject and object as only that between knower and known in a Cartesian conceptualism (Al 117ff.).
Possessive adjectives are similar to subject and object pronouns, but they indicate possession.
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