Sentences with phrase «subject in someone»

Moreover, services may be offered at the expense of subjects in which a child with learning disabilities may excel such as art, sports, or music.
A related problem is the emphasis on subjects in which student performance is easiest to measure; namely, math and reading.
Explore the ways in which women have been portrayed as subjects in art and view contemporary works by women artists.
Your child will learn about a variety of subjects in school.
But I think games as such are in a better position than other subjects in order to reverse that trend.
Unfortunately, reading about subjects in books is NOT an ideal way to gain parenting skills (for me).
Its not reasonable to assume that I am going to be highly advanced at reading ~ math ~ science ~ writing ~ and other subjects in school.
Like the Pixel 2's portrait mode — but unlike that of the latest iPhones — the 5T's does a great job of keeping the entire subject in focus.
Classes get taught in one long block of time per week, even in subjects in which that approach clearly doesn't make pedagogical sense.
They express the ideas of a Russian woman on subjects in question, and not the ideas of a dating website owner.
The books I was selling were for parents to help children with subjects in school.
One of my next articles covers that subject in more detail.
A school that taught subjects in years that they are not tested or taught them in a manner that is not aligned with the test would be putting its students at an unnecessary disadvantage.
Children are used as test subjects in this story.
Support will be provided for studies that focus on human subjects in which the effect of a change in the individual's external or internal environment is evaluated.
Specifically, she developed the institutional policies for human subjects in research, responsible conduct of research, conflict of interest, and research misconduct.
It would make British history a core subject in schools at all ages.
It is at once the most accessible and most challenging subject in art.
Want us to write a big article about some retro game subject in particular?
Accountability measures have had a considerable impact on the way curriculum time is allocated to different subjects in secondary schools, as well as on GCSE entries.
2 puzzles that require students to search for the school subjects in French - one has the solution puzzle also.
We use the dialogue to talk about difficult subjects in ways that are safe, positive and geared toward both people getting their needs met.
The role of standardized tests is one of the most contentious subjects in public education.
The report recommended that states require students to take a minimum number of courses in core academic subjects in order to graduate from high school.
Shows application of school subjects in real - life disciplines.
Well educated and diverse on many subjects in life, yet open - minded and optimistic most of the time.
However, avoid topics that are inappropriate or controversial subjects in which opinions vary.
At the same time, she started discovering collage, a medium that allowed her to intuitively explore subjects in smaller formats.
I enjoy having long stimulating conversations about various subjects in life, that range from humorous to the deepest thought - provoking.
Often, people who know one another socially do not discuss the same subjects in church that they would discuss anywhere else.
It warns that this causes particular problems in some shortage subjects in secondary school, including physics, maths and computing.
If you have a specific subject in mind, please include that as well.
Initially, you'll struggle to convey your new subject in such simple terms.
The presumption here is that you are searching for a paper on a particular subject in light of the fact that that is the point that you have decided for your exposition.
She dresses female subjects in custom - made garments to produce photographic series and performances with underlying narratives rooted in fiction in order to reveal fact.
If you decide not to take a course, it's important you know the general structure, timeline, and covered subjects in these courses.
For example, they should include subjects in addition to math and literacy, reflect current priorities, improve accountability measures and address the central issue of school leadership.
Our topics include: futures trading, technical analysis, fundamentals, regulation, industry advice or events, and other key subjects in today's markets.
He believes strongly in a Project - Based Learning approach to teaching, while incorporating skills and subjects in engaging ways that create authentic learning experiences.
Since becoming acquainted we have frequently shared experiences and advice across a wide range of subjects in support of one another.
Both films deal with important subjects in different ways.
It allows users to communicate in discussion topics on a given subject in a clever and organized manner.
Remember when you were a kid and adults would ask you what your favorite subject in school was?
Cooking and food skills should be a compulsory subject in all schools.
Additional camera software features include an augmented reality mode that puts subjects in themed locations.
This exhibition highlights the significance of the artist's own hands in making artwork - which is a fascinating subject in the era of mass production.
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