Sentences with phrase «subject position»

«My paintings reflect my own oblique subject position as a lesbian woman in relation to canonical culture,» Moyer explained, «The position allows me to burrow through decades of stale, over-determined critique and rediscover the pleasurable and liberating aspects of painting.»
Therefore the Superfan is the normative, subject position from which to paint.
Such an approach requires more courage than fiery denunciations of greed and injustice; subjecting all positions in a policy debate to critical theological and moral scrutiny risks offending everyone.
We Are Not Things takes a decidedly optimistic position, suggesting the single subject position has been dissolved in favor of individuality, pluralism, and ambiguity.
The works approach and seek to make poriferous, the limitations of ratio through the proposition of non-human subject positions — «natural», technologically and digitally made, ancient and contemporary — produced in human, artistic practice.
Maud Bryt November 17, 2017 — February 3, 2018 Possible Subject Positions, Lamont Gallery at Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
Sung Hwan Kim's films and performances often employ narrative in exploring subject positions and questions of gender and colonialism.
Soft Sell is a group exhibition that looks at the role of architecture in determining certain subject positions.
Much like their works, the artists are in a constant state of migration: between places of residence, local and global production and pre-determined subject positions.
The spectator is in a masculine subject position and the woman as the object of desire.
I raise issues of politics and gender in a seemingly nonthreatening way, subverting traditional subject positions.
While working in the early 1960s, Saul's inclusion of bright colors and everyday subjects positioned him as a predecessor of the Pop Art movement.
What one is confronted with is nothing less than a procession of deeply figured picture sequences (mostly still but often moving) that hover above a darkly articulated subject position without ever quite settling into anything simply declarative, or perhaps even enunciative.
In Einarsson's work a viewer is free to tease out a series of subject positions through a process of interrogations: Who is the terrorist?
While Cammermeyer splits one's perspective through spatial and temporal disconnections, she insists that a viewer be able to occupy multiple subject positions at once.
In an effort to reveal the organization of cultural systems, Tercerunquinto's projects interrogate the limits and possibilities of various institutional spheres and reveal the viewer's subject position within the scope of such domains.
For a male abstract painter, a peculiar biography could be a handicap, as it undermined the notion that the artist was revealing a universal truth, speaking from a «neutral» subject position on behalf of all humanity.
The theory of mutuality suggests that teachers and students create and adopt shared goals, subject positions, and ways of communication as they negotiate meaning.
Lighting conditions, exposure, subject position, camera angles, the age of photos (of lost pets), the pet's condition, the position of eyes or ears, etc..
Here, viewers symbolically assume the subject position of Moses leading the Israelites to freedom as a once - oceanic obstacle becomes a conduit for regeneration and transformation.
By beginning from a subject position of sickness or trauma, the project asks what other ways of existing in the world we must embrace.
This fugitive impulse is contextualized amid and alongside a network of black experimental peers and interlocutors who challenge the terms of «outsider» as a subject position, as well as visibility in the early years of multiculturalism.
Featuring Aline Bouvy, Clémence de la Tour du Pin, Julius Heinemann, Harry Sanderson, Maximilian Schmoetzer, and Omsk Social Club, the show explores the role of architecture in terms of asserting and determining a subject position.
Takeshi Shiomitsu reads out his dense «Notes on Standardization»: and cites a subject position — across race, gender, class, sexuality — as shaping an experience of culture, while «our interactions are rendered within the confines of the user interface or platform».
Her project - based work engages multiple aesthetic strategies to mine the complexities of subjectivity and subject positions, often through poetic combinations of humor, discomfort, subterfuge and unabashed beauty.
My background in developing and editing original web articles and features on a variety of subjects positions me to substantially impact your organization.
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