Sentences with phrase «subjective assessments of»

In addition, it takes into account discrepancies between individuals» subjective assessments of their visual function and objective performance scores.
Most civil cases also rely on witnesses, and subjective assessments of witness credibility.
As a result, IPCC authors must rely on their subjective assessments of the available literature to construct a best estimate and associated confidence levels.»
Perhaps as a result of this tradeoff, we find that associations between principal time management skills and subjective assessments of principal performance are mixed.
Most companies use productivity measures to inform the subjective assessments of supervisors, with some companies permitting less subjective judgment than others for fear of bias or favoritism.
We also analyzed teachers» subjective assessments of each child's math and reading achievement.
Finally, subjective assessments of students are vulnerable to inappropriate influences, including teachers» prejudices and pressure brought by parents, in ways that objective criteria of performance might inhibit.
Criteria for membership: To apply for membership, a broadcast film critic must regularly provide a large television, radio or Internet audience with subjective assessments of the quality of motion pictures being released theatrically.
The fMRI scans revealed significantly higher levels of activation in the amygdala, which controls emotion and motivation, in the brains of the male subjects compared to the females, despite the fact that both males and females expressed similar subjective assessments of their levels of arousal after viewing the images.
Therefore, it is only possible to understand money demand by considering the subjective assessments of individuals.
Whatever your subjective assessment of the final round may be, this was a successful week for the U.S. Open.
Although you might find it helpful to solicit input from your mentor, colleagues, or even family and friends, this scale is intended to be your personal subjective assessment of whether your skills are appropriate for your level of training.
WZB economist Maja Adena and her colleague Michal Myck (DIW Berlin and the Center for Economic Analysis, CenEA, Szczecin) have substantiated how the subjective assessment of being poor affects the health of the 50 + age group.
We will judge each on how well it explains the observations and offer our subjective assessment of the probability that the theory is correct.
As for the subjective assessment of VAS, all four treatments demonstrated equivalent satisfaction.»
As a subjective assessment of body condition, you should be able to feel the backbone and palpate the ribs in an animal of healthy weight.
A BCS is a subjective assessment of body composition that has been validated to correlate with more a quantitative measure of body condition, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (Laflamme et al., 1994).
Like the risk of an accident in a particular new class of power station, such a probability for a single future event can not be calculated objectively; it is an expression of a subjective assessment of the likelihood based on limited available knowledge.
Still, some studies have asked judges, lawyers, and professors to report their subjective assessment of good and bad writing samples.
Is the element of negligence satisfied by the bribe having taken place, or is the «negligence» supposed to be a subjective assessment of the steps taken by the «reasonable person» to prevent it from happening?
But what I can say is that is that if we have reached the point that our justice system is so broken that we have to resort to the incarceration of family litigants, based on the subjective assessment of a single justice who has clearly formed strong opinions about the culpability of the parties, we have a very big problem that should be alarming all access to justice advocates.
The latter stage draws attention to the individual's subjective assessment of the stressor, which conditions their reaction to it.
Perceived stress is defined especially after having studied the interaction between the individual and the environment, psychological stress include the interpretation of the adequacy of management methods and based on the notion that stress results from the subjective assessment of the individual in his relation with the environment (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).

Not exact matches

Asked why the Congressman wasn't prepared to accept the intelligence community's assessment that Russia hacked and leaked the DNC emails, Grubbs replied: «Because over time he's learned that the intel community has not been completely reliable and that its «assessment» of the leaks was more of a subjective consensus than hard evidence.»
In its assessment of our compensation program for our PMDs, Semler Brossy confirmed that the program has been aligned with and is sensitive to corporate performance, contains features that reinforce significant alignment with shareholders and a long - term focus, and blends subjective assessment and policies in a way that addresses known and perceived risks.
Whereas the cash flow statement and balance sheet are still very important considerations in the High Yield Dividend Newsletter, we put put a greater focus on credit assessments and qualitative, subjective considerations given the riskier nature of such higher - yielding ideas, both with respect to income sustainability and subsequent valuation (share price risk).
«by enabling men and women to let go of their subjective opinions and impressions, allows them to move beyond cultural and historical limitations and to come together in the assessment of the...
«In his preoccupation with the analysis of the capitalist system, he (Marx) failed to do justice to the sphere of the personal and the subjective, the sphere where the human drama of hope and despair, love and hate, death and survival is enacted... Had Marx paid sufficient attention to these existential problems, he might have been led to a more critical assessment of his atheist stance.»
First, the timing of OL was on the basis of maternal perception, which arguably is a subjective assessment.
The predictor that emerged as most powerful in both the UNC study and the UC San Francisco analysis was letters of recommendation from applicants» undergraduate teachers — in other words, subjective assessments from people who presumably knew both them and their subjects well.
Work ergonomics was evaluated by means of IRT and surface electromyography combined with a subjective assessment conducted by a neck disability index.
Cowan and colleagues Debra Inglis and Carol Miles evaluated three biodegradable plastic mulch products using subjective visual assessments of deterioration during the cropping season and a photographic method to monitor deterioration after the mulches were incorporated into the soil.
But such a subjective assessment would not hold water in a court of law, where it is essential to know how likely a skull belongs to a particular missing person.
In addition to the small sample size and the fact that the trial was not designed or intended as an efficacy study, one important caveat is that because the trial was not investigator - blinded, it is likely that at least some bias was introduced into the assessments, particularly on the more subjective ones such as the IGA and some components of the MDS - UPDRS II and III subscales.
The temporal course and clinical correlates of subjective impulsivity in bipolar disorder as revealed through ecological momentary assessment.
Koretz is right: we need to move beyond subjective measures of educator performance, because such systems often do not provide honest assessments.
And while some see portfolios as excellent qualitative measures instead of standardized tests, we know that the subjective nature of portfolio assessment can make it an unreliable comparison between schools.
AQA Chapter 10 (Sustainable Development) In this lesson students will learn: - what LCA surveys are - how to conduct a (basic) LCA themselves - the objective and subjective nature of quantitative values on an LCA Keywords: Life cycle Extracting Manufacture Disposal Objectives: Describe the components of a life cycle assessment (LCA) Interpret LCAs of materials or products from information Carry out a simple comparative LCA for shopping bags
How in creativity will anyone ever be able to determine who actually did the work on one of these subjective assessments and beyond that, how will they be impartially graded?
«We would not want any school to rely on interviews or other subjective processes rather than pursuing an objective assessment of individuals» skills — including in areas other than their current teaching area — and the curricular and organisational needs of the school.»
The printing rate of each child was listed by teachers submitting classroom data, and each was matched by the subjective teacher assessment of the child's relative reading skill.
Mounting pressure in the policy arena to improve teacher productivity either by improving signals that predict teacher performance or through creating incentive contracts based on performance — has spurred two related questions: Are there important determinants of teacher productivity that are not captured by teacher credentials but that can be measured by subjective assessments?
We've now driven the Ford Mondeo, the Hyundai Tucson and the Toyota HiLux dual - cab, but subjective assessment alone doesn't count for the purposes of this «comparison».
Such blanket assessments are subjective, of course, and impossible to support, but there is no denying that Neruda is that rare modern poet whose work achieved a global reach — nearly...
Just because it is in a slate form - factor does not mean that its degree of attraction to consumers can be measured using the same metrics and subjective assessments that can be applied to other slate form - factor devices.
In contrast, our competitors hide the details of their proprietary approaches, e.g. by saying that they use some unspecified measures of return vs. risk, or by relying on a subjective assessment by analysts.
All this raises the question: if I'm reasonably assured of good long term returns with Graham's mechanical quant approach (based on extensive backtesting by multiple authors including Ben Graham, Tobias Carlisle, Joel Greenblatt, James Montier, etc.), then why would I jeopardize these reasonably assured good returns — and risk incurring unrecoverable opportunity costs over my limited lifespan — by following a concentrated approach that depends on subjective, accurate assessments of sustainable competitive advantage?
Because some qualitative factors are unquantifiable, the «Best Credit Card» pages are, to a degree, a subjective list based on our editors» assessments and opinions of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the offers.
The cooperation of the owner in this process is crucial, since his subjective impressions about symptoms shown by his own dog (polyuria, polydipsia and polyfagia) are essential to make a proper assessment of the dog's response to treatment.
In their recent decision in favor of the HSUS and Missourians, the Supreme Court, noting the history of more than a decade of repeat USDA violations at Smith's Kennel, said that the advocacy group's statements were «subjective assessments not provable as false», therefore were not seen as a defamation.
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