Sentences with phrase «subjective component»

Moreover, unlike the National Interest Waiver category, which has a large subjective component, qualifying as an OPR is far more formulaic: If you can prove that you meet the requirements and have well - drafted letters of recommendation from recognized experts stating that you are outstanding in your field, your application will most likely be approved.
Kocher investigated subjective components of overall acoustic quality using binaural recordings made in Hartford's Belding Theater, as a summer undergraduate research assistant at Penn State University.
Love and Pain — I completely agree that Love (and other emotions) have a subjective component to them.
So if we can remove the subjective component from knowledge altogether, we have a better chance of getting in touch with the «real» world «out there.»
Also, report cards consist of grades which have a subjective component.
While we do not consider that the complexity of a climate model makes it impossible to ever prove such a model «false» in any absolute sense, it does make the task of evaluation extremely difficult and leaves room for a subjective component in any assessment.
The Court, by adopting a literal interpretation of the concept of controller and eschewing any subjective component, preserved the broad scope of application of the Directive and emphasised the importance of such a broad scope of application for the effectiveness of data protection rules.
The subjective component is associated with the perceptions that are drawn from these various objective points of reference.
Briefly, this act of discrimination has both objective and subjective components.
(The test for harassment under Canadian law also includes a subjective component.)
It also has a subjective component, associated with the perceptions that are drawn from these various objective points of reference.
The hiring process is currently based on a subjective component; i.e., the candidate's evaluation by the recruiter.
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