Sentences with phrase «subjective interpretation in»

The element of subjective interpretation in this approach results in a reg 4 (9) dismissal being unnervingly straightforward to establish.

Not exact matches

In Erving Goffman's phraseology (FA; see also SEM), they are «schemata of interpretation» (FA 21), «principles of organization which govern events... and our subjective involvement in them» (PA 10In Erving Goffman's phraseology (FA; see also SEM), they are «schemata of interpretation» (FA 21), «principles of organization which govern events... and our subjective involvement in them» (PA 10in them» (PA 10).
In the yes sense, I find them immoral based on my subjective perception and interpretation, i.e. «my personal taste.»
I think this Franciscan teaching may hold a useful key to biblical interpretation that helps us put our subjective experiences and religious formation in perspective:
This puts Hartshorne where he wants to be, because to intuit (prehend) actual occasions as they occur is to intuit (prehend) them formaliter, as they exist in the immediate subjectivity of concrescence, and since God is everlasting, and experiences all actual occasions formaliter, actual occasions are preserved everlastingly (in their full, warm, subjective immediacy) in the consequent nature of God.6 This interpretation resolves the question of the status of the past, the problem of how the past is given as datum for concrescing actual occasions, and the question of a ground for truth claims about the past.
This debate was crucial in distinguishing and relating scientifically objective history and the mythical interpretations of it expressing the divine and subjective meaning of the same for the community of faith.
Schreuder's contention, that a close association between preacher and people exists in preaching, points toward the subjective and corporate dimensions of interpretation.
For this reason he understood the term hypostasis / substance not in the objective sense (of a reality present within us), but in the subjective sense, as an expression of an interior attitude -LSB-...] In the twentieth century this interpretation became prevalent -LSB-...] but -LSB-...] Faith is not merely a personal reaching out towards things to come that are still totally absent -LSB-...] It gives us even now something of the reality we are waiting for, and this present reality constitutes for us a «proof of the things that are still unseein the objective sense (of a reality present within us), but in the subjective sense, as an expression of an interior attitude -LSB-...] In the twentieth century this interpretation became prevalent -LSB-...] but -LSB-...] Faith is not merely a personal reaching out towards things to come that are still totally absent -LSB-...] It gives us even now something of the reality we are waiting for, and this present reality constitutes for us a «proof of the things that are still unseein the subjective sense, as an expression of an interior attitude -LSB-...] In the twentieth century this interpretation became prevalent -LSB-...] but -LSB-...] Faith is not merely a personal reaching out towards things to come that are still totally absent -LSB-...] It gives us even now something of the reality we are waiting for, and this present reality constitutes for us a «proof of the things that are still unseeIn the twentieth century this interpretation became prevalent -LSB-...] but -LSB-...] Faith is not merely a personal reaching out towards things to come that are still totally absent -LSB-...] It gives us even now something of the reality we are waiting for, and this present reality constitutes for us a «proof of the things that are still unseen.
Having done so, they might be less likely than they now are to dismiss conservative fears on the subject as paranoid imaginings or instances of a know - nothing inclination to «blame the messenger» for bad news — as if journalistic «bad news» were not, at least in part, an artifact constructed of the subjective interpretations of the message - bearer.
To be sure, each of these subjective features is more prominent in religion; there is a greater diversity of models, greater influence of interpretation on data, greater tenacity in commitment to paradigms, and greater ambiguity in paradigm choice.
Yet the experience from which the inference is drawn is subject to all kinds of pressures, is open to a variety of interpretations, and in the last analysis is dominantly private and subjective.
So of course there will be different «subjective» interpretations of what that specifically entails at any point in time to wrestle with.
There is progress and refinement of interpretation in science as we perceive wider contexts to what we know, but it is not a subjective exercise.
The proper interpretation of Lamarckian notions in genetics thus depends fully on knowing «what» we are talking about: all new patterns of efficient causation in animal bodies can be traced to some occasions» subjective aims.
It is only as in the past of others, or «for others,» that an occasion is both a stubborn fact and an ambiguous entity, open to interpretation by subjective forms that future entities will assign to it.
Throughout the course of this paper I shall argue that the proper interpretation of «relative» as it is used in this text bears not on the subjective notion of an object's relation to a knower but on the objective factor of the object's own relations.
There also seems to be little recognition of the importance subjective interpretation plays in understanding the meaning of Scripture.
Who's subjective morality or interpretation of ideology holds up in this case from an objective perspective?
And that is what I have observed in my observation of both wild and domestic animals, based on my (subjective) interpretation of their behavior.
In The Way of the Hare (Bloomsbury), self - styled «wildlife - watcher» Marianne Taylor avoids subjective interpretations, concentrating on the biology, ecology and evolution of my favourite wild mammal.
By comparing individuals» subjective interpretations and feelings (through interviews) with large scale data (in reports) and laws (outlined by human rights and Thai national laws), the research utilizes the triangulation approach to come up with a study that attempts to respect both the micro (individual) and macro (context) and therefore paint the human faces of displaced persons affected by factors beyond their control (conflict in Myanmar and Thai politics and law).
I always thought using the term in a review was too subjective, too open for interpretation.
They shift into the metaphysical realm, bringing the viewer into contact with the incidents of the life of Christ in the context of a newborn psychological and subjective interpretation.
As part of a new generation of artists associated with «New Materialism,» which proposes that objects and materials assert their own power over the viewer independent of subjective cultural interpretations, German and Mongolian - Chinese multimedia artist Timur Si - Qin is fascinated by the immediate visual and emotional power of brand logos and advertising in and of themselves.
In doing so, he reveals that interpretation (of art, of life, of anything) is an infinitely variable, context - based, highly subjective exercise.
The nuances of the continent's terrain have been mapped through the artists» interpretation and subjective depictions of the form, further contextualized in relation to the chosen space, place and objects.
The resulting cut - and - mix aesthetic in Piper's videos has made for more personal and subjective image - relationships in his work, leaving the associations and interpretations largely to the viewer's imagination.
The artist's approach to geometric abstraction is based in a complex system of annotation and interpretation, whereby popular songs» musical «DNA» (e.g. melody, beat, etc.) find subjective representation in color and form.
Like government papers, these texts are subjective — documents written with a specific thought in mind that are open to interpretation by the reader.
Lauren Scavo's small - scale charcoal drawings examine the connection that exists between human consciousness and its surrounding environment, specifically the way in which our sensory experience of a place influences our subjective interpretation of...
EDA [Exploratory Data Analysis] techniques do not share in that rigor or formality... EDA techniques are subjective and depend on interpretation....»
How does society deal with the dangers of The Perception Gap when, no matter how well informed people are nor how well - educated, their subjective interpretations of information still don't match the evidence — in ways that create risk, for themselves, or for society?
Hmmm... John, does not the fact that one person was not overly concerned about the amount of literature needing analysis, whilst another found the prospect «daunting» mean that a possible explanation lies in the vagary of individuals» subjective interpretation?
Large problems exist in the interpretation of this data because of its subjective nature.
In a few cases they rely on subjective interpretation of questionable reconstructed paleoclimate data from selected periods of our geological past, rather than on empirical data based on actual, real - time physical observations or reproducible experimentation..
Then come the subjective interpretations of dicey paleoclimate data from cherry - picked periods in our geological past.
«Second, she erred in her interpretation of the phrase «legitimate purpose» in the current version of s. 163.1 (6) by inquiring solely into the accused's subjective purpose for possessing the material.
The therapist would give the patient interpretations of why he or she feels the patient engages in risky, self - defeating behavior and then offer nonjudgmental advice on how to overcome those subjective psychological issues.
Perceived stress is defined especially after having studied the interaction between the individual and the environment, psychological stress include the interpretation of the adequacy of management methods and based on the notion that stress results from the subjective assessment of the individual in his relation with the environment (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).
In accordance with the importance that the phenomenological approach attaches to subjectivity and sense of self as the starting points for knowledge, emphasis is placed on the need for the clinician to focus on the subjective experiences of the at - risk individual, to set aside prior assumptions, judgments, or interpretations, and to identify ways of bridging gaps in communication associated with negative emotionIn accordance with the importance that the phenomenological approach attaches to subjectivity and sense of self as the starting points for knowledge, emphasis is placed on the need for the clinician to focus on the subjective experiences of the at - risk individual, to set aside prior assumptions, judgments, or interpretations, and to identify ways of bridging gaps in communication associated with negative emotionin communication associated with negative emotions.
Bayesian credible intervals have a different interpretation than classical confidence intervals because they are not defined in terms of frequentist coverage, but in terms of the researcher's (possibly subjective) posterior certainty about the parameter.
I tend to place my trust in the court system vs in a government agency run by bureaucrats, which head of said bureaucracy may have a subjective political agenda in opposition to objective judicial interpretations of the law.
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