Sentences with phrase «subjective measurements of»

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The fact is that our experience gives us all this together, as being profoundly one in impact upon us; we can not cut up the world of experience, after the fashion of an earlier philosophy, and speak as if that which in its aesthetic quality has subjective appeal must lack any genuine reality in the world itself, simply because it does not lend itself to a particular kind of analysis by measurement or testing.
A neuropsychoanalytic approach, combining subjective reports and objective measurements, could be used to explore a big mystery in current neurobiology: the purpose of the recently discovered «default mode network.»
And how can scientists, with their devotion to objective observation and measurement, gain access to the inherently private and subjective realm of consciousness?
The research team, led by professor Kazuyo Tsuzuki, had the subjects sleep in two bedrooms set to the same temperature using ACs set at different airflow velocities, then made a comparison of the depth of sleep and body temperature control using electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements as well as subjective reporting by the subjects.
We've showed an improvement in subjective sleep quality after higher dietary protein intake during weight loss, which is intriguing and also emphasizes the need for more research with objective measurements of sleep to confirm our results.»
These are subjective and (in my opinion) outweigh statistical measurements like reps, amt of weight, etc..
In either case, keep in mind they are subjective they're just someone else's opinion of what is an ideal body measurement.
It further proposes motivation to learn as a new subjective measurement instead of plain satisfaction (one of the archetypical usability dimensions) as a more appropriate one when it comes to eLearning applications.
It's a subjective measurement that's true for «Legacy» publishers and it will hold true for the brave new world of self - publishing... it means more crap, but it also means a whole lot more of the good stuff... to somebody.
However, magnitude of impact can be hard to measure, and from what I've seen, the methodology of measurement is generally highly subjective.
As pointed out before on this blog, even our private, emotional lives are not beyond the reach of the state, which has grown attached to the «happiness agenda» — the idea that a government's performance is better measured by a measurement of «subjective sense of well - being» rather than economic indices such as GDP.
In several records, staff noted that wind turbine noise exceeded regulations: ««Staff have attended at the complainants homes on multiple occasions... noise measurements were obtained... subjective observations were made by Provincial Officers... the conclusion of the POs were that the noise emissions from the wind turbines were causing an adverse effect contrary to S. 14 (1) of the EPA at the complainants locations...»
The world has been predicting more analytics, more measurement, and generally more «objective» analysis of the «subjective art» of practicing law for what seems like a long time.
We are adding measurements of noise cancelling capability to our article on noise cancelling headphones; I recently had a chance to do some research that confirms the measurements track subjective impressions closely.
Across precise measurements and subjective tests, the Note 5 showed it's still the king of the Android world.
These types of testing can provide objective data on subjective measurements.
For further supports of the reliability and validity of subjective well - being measurement one can refer to Schimmack & Oishi (2005: p. 404), Diener, Inglehart & Tay (2012), and OECD (2013: p. 21).
In all, the SHS - Greek Version can be used as a reliable and valid psychometric tool for the measurement of subjective happiness in the Greek population.
In the present study, we examined the psychometric properties of one of the newest and most prominent tools for the measurement of Subjective Happiness, the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS).
The measurement of this is very subjective, but in the world of mental health self - report, or the subjective, felt sense is the recognized standard.
Measurement and Tracking of Subjective Well - Being for Aging Research The Rise of the Megafirm: Causes and Consequences for Labor and Product Markets
This paper concludes that further investments in the measurement of child wellbeing are needed, particularly in relation to subjective wellbeing, time use, and the role of children within the household and in society.
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