Sentences with phrase «subjective sense»

This implies that there is more than our own subjective sense of right and wrong.
In published trials catalogued here, they demonstrate changes in brain perfusion, decreases in inflammatory gene expression, and dramatic increase in telomerase (a longevity enzyme) that correlates with subjective sense of wellbeing, energy, sleep, memory, and even a 65 % improvement in depression scales.
While films such as The Evil Dead (Sam Raimi, 1983) utilise every known camera angle and camera movement to generate a giddy subjective sense of claustrophobia and panic, Shivers does the opposite.
When you start comparing it against other cars in the segment — both on paper and in a more subjective sense — it falls firmly midpack, despite it benefits.
Mothers» subjective sense of life satisfaction and fulfillment during the intervention and objective ratings of psychosocial functioning by clinicians, obtained in a clinical interview were posed as moderators, and mothers» observed power - assertive discipline immediately following the intervention was modeled as a mediator of its impact.
Even modern materialists, of course, have difficulty sustaining the strange thesis that they are not themselves conscious in the old, subjective sense, and that their own identity is a cultural illusion or mistake of language.
I tend to side with Pannenberg's «loose» sense of identity — continuity through time of an individual — as phenomenologically more adequate: it does express the subjective sense of sameness through time of which persons are aware.
To do so you would need to somehow be able to «see» outside or beyond or above your own contingent and subjective sense of self (or realm of interpretation) and that I suppose would make you God.
Therefore, if he is moral at all, he is so in a subjective sense.
I do not think now that the religious and ideological heritage that I was given as a child and as an adolescent was an entirely authentic version of the American tradition, but the subjective sense of continuity with the past is an indelible experience that undoubtedly colors even my present perceptions.
Somehow he has confused the objective and subjective senses of the word «information,» collapsed an equivocity (or analogy) into a univocity, and conflated the two poles of an indissoluble antinomy.
It is true that in Religion in the Making Whitehead remarked that his doctrine «is entirely neutral on the question of immortality» in the subjective sense.
Even though each momentary occasion may have lost its subjective sense of present vividness, God's own feeling preserves it in its full immediacy.
But when the mother encounters difficulties, expected or unexpected, there is a potential for psychological consequences, including depression, anxiety, low self - esteem, and a subjective sense of not being a good enough mother.
This is the subjective sense of remembering: Is it a strong memory or a weak one?
«Our subjective sense that our map is three - dimensional is illusory,» says Kathryn Jeffery, a behavioral neuroscientist at University College London who led the research.
After one month of following the program, the volunteers» subjective sense of fullness after a meal was unchanged, but decreased at the one - and two - year marks, whereas self - reported hunger increased significantly after one and two years.
subjective sense of difficulty concentrating 7.
It helps to document the effect of different regimens, as Eugene suggests, but I don't know that you didn't, and a subjective sense that something is working should not just be dismissed.
The two most controversial initiatives have come under Title IX: The office's seven - year effort to combat what it described as an «epidemic» of sexual violence on campus, and its 2016 directive on the right of transgender students to choose restrooms, locker rooms, overnight accommodations and sports teams on the basis of their subjective sense of «gender identity» rather than their biological sex.
All that said (and whatever the mileage advantage), we still have not encountered the CVT that's as aurally or operationally satisfying in the subjective sense as any good conventional automatic.
Bess went so far as to perform genital surgery on himself and later to seek professional medical assistance to bring about an anatomical state he thought would correspond to his subjective sense of identity.
That rise is significant, both in the statistical sense and the subjective sense.
It was not required to show a subjective sense of community, or some «other factors which demonstrate unity and organisation» beyond common observance of traditional law and custom.44
Characteristics of Male Family Caregivers in Japan and Their Sense of Care Burden, Capacity to Deal with Stress, and Subjective Sense of Well - Being
It's important to note that while difficulties with money often create very real, material problems, money is deeply emotional in a subjective sense.
Equity, which denotes the subjective sense of fairness and overall appraisal of the proportion one gives and takes from a relationship, has been linked to marital happiness for both husbands and wives (Bagarozzi & Wodwarsky, 1977).
Mothers» subjective sense of life satisfaction moderated the impact of the intervention, but clinicians» ratings did not.
Risk factors for persistent traumatic stress reactions include prior traumatic experiences or behavioral problems, more severe pain or exposure to frightening sights and sounds while in the hospital, subjective sense of life threat and injury / illness severity, and more severe early traumatic stress reactions.
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