Sentences with phrase «subjective term»

However, normal, when it comes to testosterone levels, is a very subjective term — it can range widely from person to person.
In looking at these criteria, you will see a lot of subjective terms.
It's my personal favorite, but «best» is a really subjective term and I'd never try to tell anyone that they're wrong about their own favorite.
It's bound to be a very subjective term and as such, it will always foster plenty of debate.
Avoid using subjective terms like «good,» «quickly» or «soon.»
Good is a 100 % subjective term when it comes to video games.
This is a tricky question, because it hinges on the inherently subjective term «satisfying.»
We present the data in its «naked» form, unfettered by subjective terms like «unadoptable» or «untreatable.»
Certain climate denialists have also recently tried very hard to argue that the planet is not «rapidly warming,» although «rapid» is a highly subjective term, which they have failed to define.
Without going into too much of a tangent (feel free to inquire by email if you are curious), I would like to suggest that beliefs, by definition common usage, are antithetical to science, and that if we want to remove the polarization of political and policy elements, we must remove subjective terms like «believe» from the conversation.
Admittedly, bloatware is a rather subjective term and can range from Samsung's own messaging application to Google's own music player application to even actual spyware like DT Ignite.
Those included subjective terms such as «highly qualified,» «results - focused,» «effectual leader,» «has talent for,» «energetic» and «confident.»
I would consider renaming both of your questions, as «safe» is a pretty subjective term (safe from what?)
«Good advertising» is certainly a subjective term.
«Index» can be a subjective term.
AB, if you don't understand that not all people in a community of 310 million are going to have the same fortunes, abilities, and wherewithal to succeed (a subjective term) or not succeed, then you should probably go back to school to complete your education.
Creepy is a subjective term describing something that causes mild and often nonspecific fear.
But in the church, defining God in Christ on our own secular or subjective terms is also a form of oppression.
I think it's crucial to identify «healthy» in terms of what to expect from me and this blog, because «healthy» is a subjective term depending on the health and needs of an individual.
But if you go into this diet thinking that it's ok to eat these foods «in moderation» (there's a subjective term...), one egg turns into three or four, one slice of pizza turns into a steak with baked potato, butter, sour cream, and before you know it, your cholesterol and blood pressure are right back up there.
Starter is a subjective term.
«Best» is such a subjective term and it is impossible to come to a sensible conclusion that pleases everyone, with some arguing that La Liga's big two of Real Madrid and Barcelona mean their league is clearly the best while others will suggest that the competition for places at the top of the table ensures the Premier League should be top of the pile.
Friends is a subjective term, and at times, it's just a sure way of keeping a safe distance from rejection despite one's true feelings.
Friends is a subjective term, and at times, it's just a sure way of keeping a safe distance from rejection... Read More
We recognize that «family friendly» and «offensive» are subjective terms, so we just ask you to be considerate of one another.
We recognize that «family friendly» is a subjective term, so we just ask you to use your best judgment.
This is a subjective term, but things like chocolate, potatoes chips, french fries, and ice cream would generally fall into this category.
Let's assume the 7 groupings were objectively formed by the «scientists» - despite some subjective terms like «trained» or «untrained».
Frugality is a subjective term.
Identify any ambiguous or subjective terms and have students clarify and define them.
Happy is a very subjective term and should not be bandied about.
Then again, «obsolete» is a subjective term when you're talking about a four - wheel - drive, twin - turbocharged supercar capable of serving up almost surreal all - weather speed.
Joseph Ratliff additionally criticizes the subjective term and suggests the solution to make a professional book in the process.
And, isn't «crappy» a subjective term?
There is no gold standard (pun intended) by which objects can be measured in value because «value» is a subjective term.
This is because «value» is a subjective term.
Reasonable is a subjective term, but I'd say an initial withdrawal rate in the range of 3 % to 4 % qualifies.
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