Sentences with phrase «subjective way»

First, from a practical standpoint, the cover letter serves to clarify your position and qualifications in a more subjective way that your resume does not.
Finally, strength can be expressed in real obvious but very subjective ways.
This seems like a silly and rather subjective way to resolve a dispute.
This can survive the perishing of creative becoming if reenacted in its entirety in a new subject, that is, if taken up into another activity of unification as informing it with its unique subjective way of experiencing.
Indeed, in early Gnostic communities the data did mean almost anything, since the Gnostics were not adherents of the visible Church and were therefore free to interpret New Testament texts in a wholeheartedly subjective way.
Asking someone how aroused they feel is too subjective a way of measuring sex drive.
Traditional methods of studying social - emotional skills will have to evolve in more reliable, less subjective ways if educators and policymakers expect to incorporate them validly into accountability systems and school improvement plans, education researchers meeting here last week cautioned.
Therefore, the quickest, least subjective way we limit EVVY contenders right off the bat is via the publishing package the authors choose.
Over eighty works by thirty - five artists of the Rheingold Collection are an exquisite selection, and are, in a certain but definitely subjective way, the jewels in the Rheingold.
Each of us, in our own subjective way, learns to stitch together the necessary disguises we require in order to reconcile our pursuits of the baser instincts of human nature and to act out on our natural desires or secret fantasies.
Displaying these items in the context of an art fair suggests a different economy to that of the investment in art objects, whilst also revealing the sentiments and attitudes of the participating artists in a personal and highly subjective way.
The fundamental error in this whole approach is the artificiality of the objective - subjective way of thinking.
A more subjective way to assess the degree of model realism is to accept as tolerable the magnitude of errors typical for other climate models.
What we have to ask is whether the New Testament narratives are affected by mythology less in their objective aspect than in our subjective way of apprehending and describing religious truth.
° (51) 37: 10 — «The subjective ways of feeling... clothe the dry bones with the flesh of a real being... The miracle of creation is described in the vision of the prophet Ezekiel; «So I prophesied...»» (PR 131).
I get that this is an impossibly vague and subjective way to evaluate a film, but there you are.
Sound is also used in a subjective way, as in a breakfast scene where the sound of Krieps buttering toast and pouring tea is heightened to show how much it irritates Day - Lewis.
I would only add that Christian Seabaugh's take on the CT6 was blatantly negative in a subjective way that wasn't seen in the other cars.
First and foremost, was firmly establishing that our storytelling approach embraces what makes the first - person experience so unique to games; a perspective that offers players a subjective way of viewing the world around them.
So let's move past the rationalist pretense that there can ever be «perfect» knowledge, and use the rich evidence we have about the subjective ways people process information to help the species think past our instincts and truly grasp that we're living unsustainably in a finite biological system.
«The effects of divorce may not seem so important in a hard - nosed statistical analysis of outcomes, but in a subjective way, they may be very important,» said Andrew Cherlin, a family demographer at Johns Hopkins University.
What you see is a combination of what is objectively happening outside of you and the subjective way that you interpret it.
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