Sentences with phrase «subjects like math»

5th Grade Teachers are responsible for educating children and teaching subjects like math, English, science, and arts.
I can type essays and hand write class notes on the the same device (which is perfect for subjects like math, math based sciences and engineering where lots of diagrams need to be drawn on the fly).
This summer, more than 200 K - through - 12 LAUSD teachers from all subject areas attended arts integration development sessions, which guided arts and non-arts teachers on how to integrate dance, music, theater and visual arts into basic subjects like math, science and language arts.
Magnet schools are public schools that offer specific education programs, often emphasizing academic subjects like math, science, and technology, or use specific instructional approaches.
For example, because subjects like math rely on cumulative knowledge, if students fail to grasp early concepts, you will see a ripple effect throughout the year, and possibly in future years of school as well.
The Orleans Parish School Board, which held on to the better pre-Katrina schools, tended to authorize more creative schools, such as Plessy, which combines a Montessori - like approach and integrates the arts into subjects like math.
Thirty 20 - minute Grades 6 - 8 lessons integrate core subjects like math, language arts and science.
Students will learn subjects like math, science, technology, and engineering more effectively while improving and developing their 21st - century skills, like problem solving, collaboration and communication.
Nationally, the data shows that test scores in key subjects like math and reading rose.
On - the - job training for teachers, known as professional development, encompasses everything from day - long seminars, coaching provided by in - school specialists, courses in subjects like math and reading, and teachers working with one another to improve their skills.
In the Common Sense report, for instance, some teachers said that even as they saw attention spans wane, students were improving in subjects like math, science and reading.
A topic deserving of much more in - depth exploration, this would give schools the ability to «differentiate» instruction in subjects like math for students who are working at different paces.
The bonuses were announced with considerable fanfare last month, with the district saying $ 1.3 million in all went to the top - rung teachers, with the maximum of $ 12,500 going to those teaching both in high - need schools and in high - need subjects like math and science.
Helping ELLs develop the academic vocabulary they need to learn in subjects like math, social studies, and science?
Dean Benbow: Unfortunately, we continue to send very mixed messages when it comes to subjects like math and science.
With subjects like math, science and special education facing perpetual teacher shortages and a wave of baby boom teachers poised to retire, student enrollment in Florida continues to increase, to more than 2.69 million students this school year, from less than 2.63 million in 2008 - 09.
The change has three main prongs: principals making more frequent and rigorous classroom observations; teachers in core subjects like math and English receiving ratings based on how their students perform on standardized tests; and teachers in grades and subjects where those tests don't apply devising other ways to chart student growth, in collaboration with their principals and using advice from the state.
It's no longer enough for schools to only provide instruction in core subjects like math, science and reading.
Teachers who work in hard - to - staff schools, teach high need subjects like math or chemistry, and pursue «other opportunities for improvement» could also earn raises beyond what would be offered with the new professional salary schedule.
I could see it happening during my visit as I wandered through CERAS to observe the various small groups holding their meetings: elementary school teachers («generalists») and literacy specialists, secondary school teachers of single subjects like math or social studies, all completely focused and engaged.
Everything is lovelier when spoken in French, too — even dreaded subjects like math.
To receive a grant, the school must institute a longer day that includes a combination of core academic instruction, with longer periods devoted to subjects like math, science and language arts, enrichment opportunities, and time for teacher collaboration and planning.
Teachers can give students what they need, when they need it, particularly in core subjects like math, at the elementary and high school level.
Though her study did not examine the reasons for the better long - term outcomes for students in bilingual programs, Umansky said other research suggests that students acquire transferable language skills and a better understanding of subjects like math and history by studying in their native language first.
The mobile app uses a mix of video lessons and interactive tools to help teach subjects like math and science for a fraction of what other services cost,» Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post.
Many will find themselves in the same predicament they've faced for years: scrambling until the last minute to fill open positions, especially in crucial subjects like math, science, and special education.
Shortages of qualified teachers in subjects like math, science, special education, and foreign languages, along with the impending retirements of an entire generation of teachers, make recruiting teachers to hard - to - staff schools even more challenging.
In that environment — i.e., in our world of standards - based and data - driven instruction — schools have often tried to do for reading what they did for subjects like math, science, and history.
When the subject of the flipped class comes up, many educators see how it applies to academic subjects like math and science education, but don't realize that the methodology has applications in a wide array of other classes.
In the third instructional program, the only one that meets the definition of bilingual education in the theoretical literature, students are taught initial literacy and subjects like math and science in their native tongue as they progress toward fluency in English.
The President is also proposing support for training teachers in math, science, and technology and for recruiting quality teachers into poor schools and high - need subjects like math and science.
First, since learning math requires reading, and reading scores are higher in classes with higher percentages of females, females may affect subjects like math through their (quite plausible) peer effect on reading.
At KIPP Ascend, regular class periods, or blocks, are twice as long as the average block — 110 minutes every day for core subjects like math, reading, social studies, and science.
Most colleges employed (and many still do) placement tests to determine whether an entering student was adequately prepared to undertake credit - bearing courses in core subjects like math and English, with remedial classes assigned to those who weren't.
Brooklyn Democratic Sen. Simcha Felder was holding out for an exemption or moratorium from from upcoming state guidelines that will ensure subjects like math and science are taught in Yeshivas in a way that is «substantially equivalent» to the public schools.
You teen could even spend the summer pursuing their favorite school subject like math or creative writing.
This knowledge can be diffused in core subjects like maths, science and even literacy lessons.
«The robots are often just a vehicle to teach other subjects like maths and languages and science.
Mr Dugher added: «The government is right to focus on academic excellence in core subjects like maths and English, but they shouldn't neglect music in schools and I'm afraid that's happening at the moment.»
Contrary to what most people think, coding isn't really a subject like maths or science - it's a tool, which is the by - product of creativity, so it is in fact very well suited to the more creative types!
We are consulting on proposals to improve development opportunities for teachers across the country and have a range of generous bursaries to recruit teachers into subjects like maths and physics.
«Despite a tightening labour market, trainee teacher recruitment is holding steady - with low vacancy rates in priority subjects like maths and science.
Major changes in the exam systems and more students taking subjects like maths and English early mean it is becoming increasingly difficult to interpret GCSE statistics.
In a hierarchical subject like math, the benefits of this adaptation are obvious.
It's even more rewarding when that student finds a renewed passion for learning and an excitement for a subject like math.
That would include using a broader range of metrics, such as how many teachers in a school are certified to teach in a subject like math.
We are here to make your academic work easy; therefore we offer assistance on all academic subjects like maths, English, history, economics, geography, arts, law, management, marketing, taxation, accounting, finance, mass communication, programming languages, and much others.
We serve students in various subjects like Maths, economics, statistics, management, Finance, law, marketing, nursing, engineering, arts, history, biology, chemistry, hospitality and many others.
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It's another example of how traditional subjectslike math, reading, writing and physical education — are taught differently at Prairie Moon.
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