Sentences with phrase «submissive behavior»

"Submissive behavior" means someone displaying actions or attitudes that show they are obedient, passive, or easily controlled by others. Full definition
The pup would scream horribly, fling himself on his back and pee on himself in the ultimate show of submissive behavior.
A frightened dog may try to escape, may show submissive behaviors (avoidance of eye contact, submissive urinating, rolling over to expose his belly), or he may freeze and remain immobile.
In this case, the dog gave ground and made himself «invisible,» which is submissive behavior in dog society.
Dogs who know they are lower in the pack order will exhibit submissive behaviors to avoid having to be «put in their place» by the aggressive, dominant dog.
He's also looking further afield and begins to explore dominant and / or submissive behaviors especially when interacting with other dogs and puppies.
Barking like a puppy, rolling over on its back, tail between its legs, running away from the other dog are all acceptable submissive behaviors.
Appeasement whining is often a response to submissive behavior toward humans or other dogs.
There are many dogs out there who are afraid of the leash - resulting in neurotic, fearful and submissive behavior whenever it's time for walkies.
As part of a new trend away from this idea, many experts in animal behavior are now beginning to replace the old terms of dominant and submissive behaviors with the more accurate threatening and non-threatening postures.
Additionally, the dogs expressed submissive behaviors such as tucking their tails, which researchers believe represents low - level empathy.
Submissive wetting or urination is a normal way for puppies to demonstrate submissive behavior.
In the future, I'll describe one instance in which submissive behaviors don't elicit appropriate responses from the other dog: when the other dog responds with increased intimidation — a classic «playground bully.»
Below are descriptions of several common submissive behaviors, and suggestions for appropriate responses when the behavior is directed toward humans.
When directed toward dogs, submissive behaviors usually elicit appropriate responses from the other canine.
So what will you do the next time your pup greets you at the door in a cute little cuddly ball of obvious submissive behavior?
Submissive behavior includes actions that a young dog may use to seek attention from its mother, such as licking your face and jumping or reaching up to you.
A dog who wants to play will often adopt submissive behavior to act like a puppy.
For example, it was found that fathers are more likely to attend to and reinforce submissive behavior from girls than from boys (Chaplin, Cole, & Zahn - Waxler, 2005).
This kind of submissive behavior and body language is fear and fear is the first sign of aggression.
One of the dogs may exhibit submissive behavior and this is to be expected also.
Because of their dependence upon humans, pit bulls respond well to positive reinforcement training and praise — they want to impress you by learning new tricks and showing submissive behavior.
While the problem is most commonly seen in young puppies, if not dealt with in the correct manner, submissive behavior in dogs may well perpetuate into adulthood.
Submissive behaviors can include cringing, leaning, pawing for attention, licking, growling, biting, running away, urinating, and other attempts to avoid challenges or to respond defensively to perceived challenges.
Submission or submissive behavior is manifested by shyness or a willingness to give way to other dogs and people.
On one side is your calm and assertive leadership; on the other is your dog's calm and submissive behavior.
Socialize your puppy to all kinds of people, places, and things — as you socialize him you should also keep an eye out for signs of aggressive or submissive behavior.
What appears to be faithfulness is often the submissive behavior of an animal evolved to be social.
Of the personality - associated factors with the occurrence of GDV, positive behavioral traits (happy and easygoing temperament) and submissive behaviors (toward other dogs or people) were associated with a decreased risk of GDV; negative behavioral traits (fearfulness or agitation in response to strangers or environmental changes) and aggression to people were associated with an increased risk.
Licking can also be a submissive behavior between dogs.
Insecure or submissive behavior, which is resulted from physical punishments, such as hitting and kicking.
Inappropriate urination can be caused by insufficient house - training, separation anxiety, territorial behaviors, submissive behaviors, fear, excitement and general behavioral troubles.
A dog that has submissive behavior isn't a submissive drive.
If a dog is exhibiting the tail between the legs signal and backing himself into a corner, he is showing weakness and submissive behavior.
Look closely and the submissive behavior becomes more obvious.
The alpha roll, in which a human flips a dog onto its back and pins it until it showed submissive behaviors, was founded on 1960s studies of captive wolves kept in an area too small for their numbers and composed of members that wouldn't be found together in a pack in the wild.
Affection is used as a reward for calm, submissive behavior.
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