Sentences with phrase «submit goals for years»

Do not submit goals for years beyond that date.

Not exact matches

Cheevers and Orr are still friends, and when it came time to submit names for two of his yearlings to The Jockey Club for registration earlier this year, Cheevers proposed either Royal Ski or Royal Goal for his Raja Baba colt and Score For Orr for his son of Exclusive Natifor two of his yearlings to The Jockey Club for registration earlier this year, Cheevers proposed either Royal Ski or Royal Goal for his Raja Baba colt and Score For Orr for his son of Exclusive Natifor registration earlier this year, Cheevers proposed either Royal Ski or Royal Goal for his Raja Baba colt and Score For Orr for his son of Exclusive Natifor his Raja Baba colt and Score For Orr for his son of Exclusive NatiFor Orr for his son of Exclusive Natifor his son of Exclusive Native.
One year they made a goal for every grade - level teacher - team to submit at least one grant.
Goal 2: Promote the quality of school health services in Indiana Strategy 2.1 Monitor local, state, national, and international issues that relate to school nursing in Indiana 2.2 Encourage each area to submit an applicant for School Nurse of the Year and School Nurse Administer of the Year.
Advanced Studies Magnet — Haut Gap Middle School in Johns Island, South Carolina, and Uplift Mighty Preparatory in Fort Worth, Texas, were selected after submitting detailed proposals that outlined goals for the 2015 — 2016 school year and described the benefits of continued support.
The next step for the school is to develop a five - year Strategic Plan, which maps out the timeline for accomplishing the goals in the Self - Study, as well as the required actions submitted by the Visiting Team.
As with FY - 01, we are requesting that recipients submit an overall goal for one year only.
My goal for this story is to start submitting it to contests later this year, so at least the first part of my summer will be spent on revisions.
As the apex of seven years of persistence and diplomacy on a global climate deal, Todd played a pivotal role leading up to and in Paris of securing the agreement of nearly 200 nations to commit to holding global warming to below two degrees Celsius and to transparently submit their national contributions to this goal for review by the rest of the world.
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