Sentences with phrase «submitted teacher evaluation plans»

The head of the state's largest teachers union, NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi says his understanding is that the July 1 date is the starting point to submit the teacher evaluation plans.
According to guidelines sent out by the State Education Department to school districts, July 1 is the legal date to submit the teacher evaluation plans, and the department legally has until September 1 to accept or reject the proposals.

Not exact matches

To get one of the federal waivers, states had to submit plans that included adopting curriculum standards geared toward college and career readiness, developing teacher evaluation systems that incorporated student testing data and tracking and narrowing achievement gaps between groups of students.
Indeed, RttT competition proved so politically successful the Department of Education built on it by allowing all states to seek a waiver of most NCLB requirements by submitting RttT - like reform plans, including test - based teacher evaluations and the setting of standards similar to the Common Core State Standards.
According to Governor Cuomo's online teacher evaluation tracker, only 4 out of 18 school districts in Monroe County have submitted their evaluation plans to the State Education Department.
Related, states were recently (this past May) required to submit to the federal government their revised school and teacher evaluation plans, post ESSA, given how they have changed, or not.
«Scarice said his plan is to submit notification to the state in January that Madison intends to design their own evaluation process that holds teachers accountable to a high standard, that is rigorous, that is responsive, and that relates to the research findings of the Madison Public Schools Superintendent's Advisory Council.
Readers may remember that it was only last month that the Malloy administration pushed through a legislative change that PREVENTED towns from coming up with their own teacher evaluation plans if they didn't submit such plans by July 1, 2013.
So now, as a result of the changes put forward by the Malloy Administration and Commissioner Pryor, and approved by the Connecticut General Assembly, superintendents and local boards of education have only TWO WEEKS to submit their intent should they want to develop their own local teacher evaluation systems... and even if they do submit a plan, its fate rests solely in the hands of a Commissioner who has no educational experience.
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