Sentences with phrase «subscriber magnets»

Meanwhile, here's a just a few of the subscriber magnets already listed on Book Cave.
But you can use these books as subscriber magnets and have them listed on our sister site My Book Ratings.
We also do not accept poetry of any kind for retailer submissions, but they can be used as subscriber magnets and we'll list them on our sister site My Book Ratings.
You can do this with the Subscriber Magnets feature on Book Cave.
Right below the books section of the edit form is the Subscriber Magnets section.
You can edit your profile at any time: change your biography, status, add books, re-order books, add and remove subscriber magnets, etc..
My Book Cave allows you to create and upload subscriber magnets directly on the site.
Subscriber magnets will display on your Author Page under the «Offers» tab.
Many readers don't understand the difference between PDFs vs ebooks, and when sideloading ebooks (like for subscriber magnets), they may ask for a PDF instead.
We've created a portal where authors can give free books (also called reader / subscriber magnets) directly to readers who sign up for their newsletters.
We've recently added a new feature for authors: subscriber magnets.
We're working on further refining the group subscriber magnet interface to make it easier for authors to find and join subscriber groups.
Alternatively, you could write an unrelated short story (publishers usually keep the rights to stories set in the same «world» as other stories you've published with them) and get it edited and turned into an ebook yourself, then offer that as a subscriber magnet.
You can quickly turn Facebook and Twitter followers into subscribers by offering them a free book if they sign up (a subscriber magnet).
These can be retailer promotions (where you all discount your ebooks on retailers) or subscriber magnet group promotions (see # 4).
You can ask for participants for your group promotions on Book Cave's subscriber magnet group promotion Facebook page.
If you need help putting up your subscriber magnet, this tutorial will walk you through it step - by - step.
Remember that the «Offers» tab is available only if you have at least one public subscriber magnet assigned to the profile or if one of the books is under promotion with us.
Whether your book is free at retailers or you're giving it away as a subscriber magnet, you gain fans who then go on to buy and read your other books at full price.
Make sure this post links to a great landing page; Book Cave provides this landing page for you when you use our subscriber magnet services.
We call this function a «subscriber magnet,» because your free ebook will draw in subscribers to your own newsletter.
Make sure the ad links to a compelling landing page on your website or on the website that is hosting your book (like your landing page for your subscriber magnet on Book Cave).
These giveaways can be a book you're giving away yourself as a subscriber magnet (where readers have to sign up for your newsletter to receive a new book), or it can be a group giveaway that you're doing with other authors.
In these cases, you would choose the option on your subscriber magnet to NOT ask for readers» email addresses.
You add a book as a subscriber magnet and create a link for it (make sure that the link settings say that an email is required).
You can use a book that is offered on retailers, or something you have created exclusively as a subscriber magnet.
Basically, a subscriber magnet is an ebook that an author gives away for free to readers in an effort to encourage them to sign up for his / her newsletter and, eventually, to buy more books.
If you have only one book, then using it as a subscriber magnet will increase your newsletter to a point that you will sell more books on your next release than you would have otherwise.
That's really where the subscriber magnet comes into play.
Put an image and link to your subscriber magnet in the front and back matter of each of your ebooks, inviting readers to sign up for your newsletter to receive the free ebook.
Yes, you can give away samples of a book as a subscriber magnet.
If you want to upload your subscriber magnet to Book Cave, just go to your dashboard and start using it.
Upload it to the subscriber magnet tab on your author account page.
Post about your subscriber magnet on social media.
There are many ways to let readers know about your subscriber magnet, and even if you choose only one or two of the options, you will steadily gain subscribers.
The subscriber magnet program is also a great way to distribute review copies or book samples.
The subscriber magnet program is also a great way to distribute review copies.
Normally, the first book in a series is a great choice for a subscriber magnet.
Deciding what ebook to give away for a subscriber magnet is completely up to each author / publisher.

Not exact matches

Instead, offer a free lead magnet, and you'll convert a lot more visitors into subscribers.
The new subscriber then clicks through to your download page where she has to wade through 35 different lead magnets to find the one that was referred to in your article.
But what if you could deliver different lead magnets to different subscribers without paying a cent?
A cleverly designed quiz can be used both as a lead magnet and as a way of finding out about your new subscriber's most pressing interests, problems, or concerns.
One way to get around this is to use software that simply redirects the subscriber to the lead magnet they signed up for:
It means that each subscriber will get an email containing a link for the specific lead magnet that they signed up for — much more targeted than sending them to a generic resource page containing links to a dozen other lead magnets.
The print audience and online subscribers to SEEN include readers interested in educator - related professional development, curriculum, lesson planning, teaching technology, tips and school topics that touch on every type of school - independent, private, public, charter, magnet, home, faith - based schools and more!
You need to advertise the reader magnet on your product page because a subscriber is more important than a sale.
I get probably 15 % to 20 % of my sales coming back as mailing list subscribers using the technique that Nick Stephenson teaches about reader magnets.
It's best if you have some sort of reader magnet to attract subscribers to your mailing list.
I've been coaching authors since 2010 and many authors I meet are resistant to creating a lead magnet and growing their email subscriber list.
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