Sentences with phrase «subscription costs often»

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Often, quality sites tend to cost more money, so be prepared to spend a nice monthly sum for your subscription.
Those revenues often come from subscription costs or, in the case of free services, ad sales.
No word yet on how much a subscription will cost, but a monthly fee makes economic sense, given that one book often costs more than $ 10.
Canadian legal journal subscriptions and royalties often don't bring in enough revenue to cover costs, so they require alternate sources of funding — grants, the McGill Guide, tables of statutory limitations, etc..
The up - front costs of such systems can be incredibly low, but the trade - off often is a long contract with monthly subscription fees.
The annual subscription plan, which costs $ 249, allows you to change your presentation as often as you like (on every listing appointment, for example).
The tracker costs $ 80 and requires a subscription plan that costs from $ 96 to $ 120 for one year to $ 168 for two years, depending on how often you're billed.
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