Sentences with phrase «subsequent bear market»

I have highlighted previous peaks and subsequent bear markets as noted by the sell signals in the lower panel.
And if we assume the DOW Index is indeed peaking, and that the subsequent bear market might be the average decline of the last two bear markets in magnitude and time duration, then the DOW Index could conceivably drop to 9000 by the Ides of March of 2016.
Within about 15 months from the peak, more than 50 % of this gain has typically been lost to the subsequent bear market [1].
If the returns are good, the retiree is so far ahead relative to the original goal that a subsequent bear market in the second half of retirement has little impact.
The subsequent bear market ravaged them.
The paper goes on to examine what happened to the funds that were able to outperform during bear markets in subsequent bear markets.
For example, in the late 1990s, Upgrading allowed us to capitalize on the growth stocks that led the way up in the bull market's final months (years, really), and then shifted to value - oriented fare quickly enough to avoid a good portion of the subsequent bear market's downside.
I noted back in 2007, during a similar period of frustration, that less than half of the typical bull market gain is retained by the end of the subsequent bear market - «Once stocks become richly valued, the remaining gains achieved by the market are almost always purely speculative - they are generally erased over the remaining course of the market cycle.
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