Sentences with phrase «subsequent chapters»

Starting from this dual presentation, the exhibition continues to grow, and in subsequent chapters presents more photographs, paintings, sculptures, and video works.
The story, albeit short, is solid enough to keep you interested, though how it unfolds in subsequent chapters will truly decide its overall impact.
Subsequent chapters discuss diagnostic evaluation prior to the patient undergoing treatment and the surgical and chemotherapeutic management of the disease.
Subsequent chapters look at the worldview of Jackson and Robertson, the role of their respective church affiliates in the 1988 campaign, the relationship between their activists and the major parties, and an opinion survey of their respective followers.
After a brief overview of the research pertaining to memory, attention, learning, retention, and test - taking, Willis devotes subsequent chapters to strategies to captivate and hold students» attention, techniques that reduce the stresses that block information from entering the neural processing centers of the brain, and suggestions about how to maximize the positive emotional climate that maximize learning.
Subsequent chapters expand on the Individualized Education Program team's role by discussing person - centered, student - directed planning and student program evaluation based on themes of empowerment.
When viewing the list of chapters in an audiobook that you have loaded from an SD card, the «long click» menu will give you options to split the chapter into multiple chapters or combine it with subsequent chapters.
Subsequent chapters take up the relation between values and suffering in early Christian times, in the enlightened eighteenth century, in the Romantic and Victorian periods, in the Europe of both world wars, and in America.
May I hope to appear not too presumptuous in proposing that we consider together in subsequent chapters what another step or two might be?
Subsequent chapters explore seminal activist experiences and the moral impulse to act; relationships with people of color; moral visions and the purposeful life; challenging racism in the context of inclusion; multiracial collaboration; and building new identities in racially diverse communities.
Subsequent chapters cover Parks's childhood, her marriage, the year - long bus boycott that culminated in the 1956 Supreme Court decision banning segregation on public transportation, and the beginning of the civil rights movement.
Subsequent chapters provide specific examples of leaders communicating what is valued by creating systems and structures to promote priorities, monitoring what is essential, reallocating time, asking the right questions, responding to conflict in strategic ways, and celebrating evidence of collective commitments moving the school closer to its vision.
These are used to unlock subsequent chapters and side challenges, which is rather aggravating.
that young artists have lost faith in their ability to write subsequent chapters of art history.
Subsequent chapters deal with marketing, technology, professionalism and better management of the firm.
Fortunately the substance arrives in Brief # 7 — from p. 118 onwards, when Levy dives into some of the core principles of project management and continues through subsequent chapters each covering the four stages of project management — initiation, planning, execution and closing.
The popular applications of dairy ingredients in the manufacture of food products such as dairy foods, bakery products, processed cheeses, processed meats, chocolate as well as confectionery products, functional foods, and infant and adult nutritional products, are covered in some detail in subsequent chapters.
Those whose audacity earns for them only the awareness of their nakedness are given the gift of clothing, and subsequent chapters of Genesis make it clear that the God who drove them out of the garden did not himself tarry there, but followed them out.
Subsequent chapters discuss producers, primary and secondary consumers, decomposers, the world's rivers, and human impact.
In applying this concept to the history of medicine, this begins with the health of early hunter - gatherers; subsequent chapters look at Egypt, India, China, the Americas, Greece, and Rome.
After a brief overview of the research pertaining to reading, Dr. Willis devotes subsequent chapters to strategies to captivate and hold students» attention, techniques that reduce the stresses that block information from entering the neural processing centers of the brain, and suggestions about how to maximize the positive emotional climate that maximize learning to read fluently and with comprehension.
Something bad happens, but it is never mentioned in the subsequent chapters, which heedlessly prepare its coming about.
In subsequent chapters, Gallo discusses the Vatican's 1933 concordat with Germany, the pope's active support for the German Resistance against Hitler in the early months of the war, the Vatican's response to the round - up of Roman Jews in 1943, and the Nazi massacre of 335 civilians in the Ardeatine Caves outside of Rome in 1944 (which the revisionists have also blamed on the pope's supposed indifference and inaction).
In subsequent chapters I will use the term «paradigm» to refer to the third component above, namely, a tradition transmitted through historical exemplars, but in this section I will avoid using the term because Kuhn used it in a variety of senses in his earlier writing.
These will be explored more fully in subsequent chapters.
The further developments in the structures of existence, which are described in subsequent chapters, are wholly dependent on language.
Although the subsequent chapters will develop these matters in detail, it might be helpful at this point to delineate briefly the main lines of development that Hartshorne has laid down for process theology.
God's active role in these events will be discussed in subsequent chapters.
Subsequent chapters are given over to disaster and destruction.
Before we elaborate the modes of congregational idiom and the narrative forms they assume, a task that will occupy all the subsequent chapters of this book, we must dispatch two preliminary matters: a definition of the congregation as one among several forms of religious association and some comments on the relation of the congregational form to specifically Christian witness and mission, a discussion that forms the last section of this chapter.
In subsequent chapters we will look at the expressions of these dangers in particular situations: the limitations of scientific methodology as the teacher confronts them; the idolatry of science in contemporary society; and the temptation to identify science with the whole of reality in the scientist's own perspective.
While considerations of method will be delayed until a subsequent chapter, still it is apparent at this point that a change is called for.
In subsequent chapters, Appleby presents case studies both of militants who use violence and those who work for peace.
The term «influence» seems to me to be more flexible in its symbolic overtones; and the imagery of «flowing - in» suggested by this word fits the relation of God to world that we shall be developing in subsequent chapters.
In subsequent chapters the crucial problems of verification, falsification, and the testing of the beliefs derived from models, will be taken up.
The testing of scientific theories and the corresponding testing of religious beliefs are the topics of subsequent chapters.
The first two are discussed in detail in the next chapter, the others in subsequent chapters:
Exposition of Whitehead must be postponed to subsequent chapters.
Hence, in the subsequent chapters it will be discussed chiefly in philosophical terms, that is, in terms of what is given to us in ordinary experience and its rational interpretation.
Matthew will go on to address, in subsequent chapters, the question of whether same - sex marriage can fulfill the meaning and purpose of Christian marriage, but his point in this chapter is rather straightforward: Throughout the New Testament and church history, celibacy is set apart as a special calling and never mandated for a specific group of people.
But that would have put lawmakers in the awkward position of first voting in favor of recognizing same - sex marriages, and then voting to repeal that recognition in a subsequent chapter amendment.
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