Sentences with phrase «subsequent crisis»

It does, and that's only because I've gone through this kind of three - year process of first the deconstruction, the sort of subsequent crisis of that emotionally, and then the many, many therapy sessions that enabled me to sort of realize, «I am really in crisis because I'm worried about what people are going to think.»
For her High Line Art program Identity Crisis, Domanovic screens four video works that provoke questions about collective cultural experiences while also reflecting on the history of the dissolution of her native Yugoslavia and the region's subsequent crises in cultural identity.
Forecasters tended to overestimate the drag from federal budgets deficits during the late 1980s, the banking crisis in the early 1990s, and most of the subsequent crises that we faced during the past two decades.
We have experienced a few bumps along the way, but our congregation would not have endured some of the subsequent crises or developed a sense of common care over the past couple of years without it.
There is also little doubt that these policies have contributed to the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent crisis of the euro.
If we don't get debt levels down over time, the subsequent crisis could take us over the brink.»
Indeed, builders were on the bleeding edge of the subsequent crisis, and according to U.S. Census data, the number of housing units under construction nosedived from 780,900 in 2008 to 495,400 units in 2009.
Before the housing bubble and subsequent crisis, the average hovered somewhere around 15.
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