Sentences with phrase «subsequent gains within»

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The link between a faith experience gained in front of a television set and subsequent involvement within a local church or Christian group is usually provided by the bridge of personal relationship.
However, Cardinal Campeggio was a seasoned and persevering diplomat, and was able, subsequent to the Diet, to gain a definite advantage by gathering together the rulers unsympathetic to the reformers and getting them to sign a text forming the League of Ratisbon (7 July 1524), which was to promote reform of the Church within the papal tradition.
The schizophrenia group gained twice as much weight within the first 10 years, while those with bipolar disorder experienced less weight gain during the initial 10 - year period compared to the subsequent 10 years.
Within about 15 months from the peak, more than 50 % of this gain has typically been lost to the subsequent bear market [1].
If you are also looking for price appreciation, Stovall also offers up this tidbit: «With the S&P 500 now yielding 2.0 % versus 2.2 % for the 10 - year Treasury, history reminds us that since 1953 whenever the yield on the S&P 500 was within one percentage point of the 10 - year yield, the «500» gained an average of 11 % in price in the subsequent 12 months and was higher about 80 % of the time.»
While the stock's appreciation within the 401 (k) will be taxed at the long - term capital gains rate, the subsequent appreciation — after you pull the stock out of the 401 (k)-- will only be taxed at the capital gains rate if you wait a year before selling.
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