Sentences with phrase «subsequent history»

Every one of the six lines of unfolding thought traced in this volume has had a long subsequent history of continuing development, and the end is not yet in sight.
Christianity won in the Roman Empire, not chiefly as a belief, though it was a belief, but more as a self - conscious fellowship, and there is nothing in subsequent history to make us suppose that the faith adequate for our day will win m any other way.
But Shakespeare perhaps had no need to rely upon such an explanation of these omens, for subsequent history amply demonstrated Caesar's place in the divine scheme of things; Providence might be expected to intervene directly to foretell his death.
The call of Abraham and God's subsequent history with Israel is far from arbitrary.
With its surprising subsequent history taught as part of the case, Cooper works better as a demonstration of how complex the constitutional system can be, rather than as a demonstration of the supremacy of judicial interpretation.
It is part of the overall R10.7, covering prior and subsequent history of cases, the overall subject of R10.
I have no idea if that particular client cashed out and left the firm (subsequent history would indicate it would have been an expensive mistake had he done so) but some people, for whatever reason, lack the willpower or fortitude to think long - term and behave intelligently.
The subsequent history is familiar.
When Pelikan's magisterial five - volume work, The Christian Tradition, first appeared, some critics complained that he had taken an easy out by skipping the first century and the many thorny questions about the relationship between the apostolic generation and subsequent history.
Every event is causally present in all subsequent history (cf. PR 350f.).
It is not too much to say that if this handful of devoted and practical men had not faced and carried through their almost hopeless task the world would never have seen three of the most potent factors in all subsequent history (potent whether for good or ill): international Judaism, the Christian Church, and Islam.
And yet they survived, reconstructed their community, and handed down a continuous and developing tradition which exerted a creative influence upon the whole of subsequent history.
Rosenzweig, meaning that the nations of the West so hearkened to the Jewish promise of eternal life that their subsequent history was a response to Israel, whether....
Thus the prophetic interpretation of history, and the impetus and direction which that interpretation gave to subsequent history, were alike the Word of God to men.
That happened early on in the subsequent history of Christianity.
That ploughing up of the old form takes a long time as the subsequent history shows.
We are meant to believe that these utterances predict the subsequent history of the Jews with such uncanny specificity so as to admit of only a supernatural explanation.
As all subsequent history, including the Protestant Reformation, shows, however, general overseers are likely to stress their status and power and diminish their functions as service.
H.Res.253, America's Spiritual Heritage Resolution, affirms the rich spiritual and diverse religious history of our nation's founding and subsequent history, and designates the first week in May as America's Spiritual Heritage Week.
The reasons for the virtual subjugation of the organic for a completely mechanical view in the subsequent history of science are complex.
Although the New Testament has answers for these difficulties, its own answers do not completely resolve the issues, which are then taken up in the subsequent history of the forms of love in the Christian tradition (SFL 39).
What is decisive in Jesus and what makes him significant for all subsequent history is that in his person God reveals himself to us as immanent in our world.
Generally speaking, I regard Hartshorne's treatment of the argument and his tracing of its subsequent history as making at least three distinctive contributions to this philosophico - theological topic.
The idea of development seems to have come from biology, where it is used in reference to the process of evolution from a previous and lower (e.g., embryonic) stage to a later, more complex or more perfect one; this development can involve differentiation into individual organisms and their subsequent histories.
And the subsequent history of Christianity has proved Paul to be the greatest missionary of all times.
See e.g. the Russian revolution and subsequent history of the USSR, or the history of Mao and the People's Republic of China.
Subsequent history has seen a «revenge of history», as powerful authoritarian states play an increasing role in the trade game, but refuse to play by the same rules.
I suspect the subsequent history of the business would have been very different had I asked him to go.
He didn't have to relate the subsequent history of poverty, dispossession of land and broken promises.
Sabeti's work is the latest to identify genes that were important in the evolution of humans, and our subsequent history.
Hawking refers to such attempts as «bottom - up» theories because they assume the universe had a unique beginning and that its subsequent history was the only possible one.
This way, the first daily return of the investment account was the first trading day in 2006, and 10.5 years of subsequent history was available.
Without Gus's willingness to suffer the indignity and discomfort of jail, that wouldn't have happened, and the subsequent history would have been different.
Many of them hindcast, but how many of them have been subjected to the test of being fed data from, say, 1960, and then producing an accurate representation of subsequent history.
Today, Casetext is officially announcing its version of a citator (think Shepard's or KeyCite) to help users understand a case's subsequent history.
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