Sentences with phrase «subsequent improvement»

Any review of the current way in which work is done and subsequent improvement in that process is a step towards optimization.
I consider that if funding is sufficient we have a 50/50 chance of developing technology within about 25 to 30 years from now that will, under reasonable assumptions about the rate of subsequent improvements in that technology, allow us to stop people from dying of aging at any age — equivalent to the effect of today's antiretrovirals against HIV.
In this respect, they offer three guiding principles: wherever possible, learn quickly and cheaply; be minimally intrusive — some changes will fail, and we want to limit negative consequences on individuals» time and personal lives; and develop empirical evidence at every step to guide subsequent improvement cycles (Bryk et al., 2015).
The expenditures on these goods, however, have rebounded bolstered by subsequent improvements in consumer confidence and consumer credit.
Providing Better Feedback to Teachers: There is also evidence that giving teachers feedback from high quality classroom observations leads to subsequent improvements in their students» achievement.
It is truly mind - numbing that a moment after a temporary surge of trillions of dollars, borrowed and tossed out of a helicopter (though to specific corporations and private beneficiaries), analysts would hail a subsequent improvement in corporate results as evidence of «resilience.»
The subsequent improvement in market sentiment has restored the yield curve to a shape similar to that in early May; this has long yields above the cash rates, though yields on 2 - year bonds remain around the cash rate.
Their poor start and subsequent improvement can't all be put on Rose's head, but it's something to keep in mind when he returns in early December.
In 1867, he patented this mixture Dynamite, which, with its subsequent improvements and variations, was widely adopted in construction, mining, and armament industries.
Rather, design is a mixture of original invention and subsequent improvement, based on the analysis of data from previous models.
The creation and subsequent improvement of the Internet is an amazing thing.
The existence of an orderly learning environment throughout the school — established through positive rather than negative means, whereby there are high levels of teacher consistency about how it is «enforced» and structures in place to ensure that all students are known well by at least one adult in the school — is a fundamental precondition for improved teaching and learning to occur on which the subsequent improvement in student learning outcomes can be based.
That notwithstanding, David Kleidermacher — who currently serves as Android's chief of security — believes that subsequent improvements to Android have made the platform just as safe as iOS.
The up - coming mobile wallets and the subsequent improvements to them later on in the year are our primary milestone we're going to need to complete to achieve this, and there are a number of additional exciting things coming.
The subsequent improvements have been paying off for Fidelity National Title.
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