Sentences with phrase «subsequent level»

However, the self - efficacy scales were not predictive of subsequent levels of depressive symptoms.
Regarding the association of self - efficacy and depressive symptoms, it was found that self - efficacy did not predict subsequent levels of depressive symptoms.
Players can progress through tournaments in the single player mode, with subsequent level ranks providing a noticeable increase in difficulty.
After substitutes complete the first year of the program, they are eligible to move onto subsequent levels of professional development that continue to deepen and extend their learning as a teacher.
There is no order or progression, and no need to unlock subsequent levels.
Self - efficacy did not predict subsequent levels of depressive symptoms.
In the current study, no sex differences were found: depressive symptoms predicted subsequent levels of self - efficacy, but not vice versa.
The opening level of SMB, World 1 - 1, is an example of instructional level design, or to be exact, a level of obstacles designed to not really challenge the player but help them get to grips with the basic controls and nature of challenges that will be faced in subsequent levels.
Levelling up a class to level 10 will unlock all class specific cards, with subsequent levels providing «gold cards» which essentially are more of the same but look pretty and can be «disenchanted» for a whole lot of «arcane dust» in the crafting system.
The higher the chaos level, the more difficult subsequent levels will be, as more rat swarms and zombie - like plague - riddled «weepers» will be present.
Each stage ends in a boss battle wherein success allows you to absorb the boss» power, which helps you overcome subsequent levels.
While Excave's first non-descript first stage, with its gridded floors and round enemies looks like a Go board, the game's visuals improve once players visit subsequent levels.
Depressive symptoms were only predictive of subsequent levels of social self - efficacy from T3 to T4.
Subsequent levels provide differing numbers of these items, with you and your teammates often taking on a particular role based on your choice of item, which adds some nice variety to proceedings.
In addition to individual skill development, players are introduced to basic rules of the game, team play and the importance of teamwork, enabling them to be successful in their progression onto the subsequent levels of play.
This report is significant for the unique disposition of the transplanted hNPCctx and for the subsequent levels of functional rescue achieved, which are among the best encountered in the RCS rat [29], [38]--[43].
Consequently, the pituitary levels of T3 and the subsequent level of TSH are poor measures of tissue hypothyroidism, as almost the entire body can be severely hypothyroid despite having a normal TSH level.
The dates, held in the hometown of the women selected, are the ideal way to take a relationship to the subsequent level.
Take into account the reality that the other person possibly is not ready to move to the subsequent level of the relationships.
As a 2010 OKCupid study noted, things like «facial attitude» (smiling, flirting etc.) and «photo context» (location, objects etc.) can have myriad effects on how daters are perceived and their subsequent levels of success.
Their responses to the challenges based on the scenarios they encounter will promote them to the subsequent levels to eventually master the concept and meet the learning objectives.
Besides that, the sooner a student begins to use research as a method of obtaining knowledge, the easier it will be for him / her to apply this method to subsequent levels of education and within a profession.
The quizzes were structured in an order of increasing difficulty, with Level 1 being relatively easy and each subsequent level becoming more challenging.
Each subsequent level has all the perks that come with the level below it plus some extra ones.
Bayonetta is a genuinely long game; my first time through ran me just under ten hours on normal and my subsequent levels to earn more halos have my game clock running long into the double digit hours.
And if you want the whole game, you'll have to hand over $ 60 for the new Hitman game's Full Experience Pack - for that you'll receive the subsequent levels as they are released once a month.
There are nine levels in Thumper, and with each subsequent level, the gameplay increases in speed and difficulty.
In fact, whilst the subsequent levels offered a far more thoughtful platforming experience, they had nothing like the same visual flair.
Each subsequent level introduces a more varied menu and increasingly complex dishes.
increased children's subsequent levels of psychological problems through its association with
problems failed to predict subsequent levels of interparental hostility.
Depressive symptoms predicted subsequent levels of academic and emotional self - efficacy on all time points, and social self - efficacy on one time point.
The finding that self - efficacy levels did not predict subsequent levels of depressive symptoms is in contrast to previous studies that found that emotional (Bandura et al. 2003) and academic self - efficacy (Scott and Dearing 2012) negatively predicted subsequent levels of depressive symptoms.
Self - efficacy on the other hand did not predict subsequent levels of depressive symptoms.
The self - efficacy domains did not predict subsequent levels of depressive symptoms.
Sexting thus can be considered a «behaviour that ties into sexuality and the subsequent level of relationship satisfaction experienced by both partners».
Last, the present study examined the relationship between perceived control and subsequent levels of dependent interpersonal stress, however, it did not assess independent stress.
Litt et al. (1992) were the only authors not to find any associations of significance, having explored attributions of control and distress, meaning that the degree to which patients attribute control of their situation to themselves, others or to chance was unrelated to their subsequent levels of depression.
However, depressive symptoms significantly mediated the pathway from interpersonal stressors, peer victimization, and familial emotional maltreatment to subsequent levels of social anxiety symptoms.
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