Sentences with phrase «subsequent mutations»

Gene duplications and subsequent mutations also led to the evolution of numerous sister nonapeptides across vertebrates, including isotocin in teleost fish and oxytocin in mammals.
There is significant evidence to suggest that at least some complex features of organisms result from what biologists call exadaptation, a phenomenon in which one genetic mutation confers a certain kind of survival advantage on an organism, and later, after subsequent mutations have occurred, the original mutation combines with the subsequent ones to confer a wholly different advantage.
This expansion may have involved a kind of snowball effect, in which initial mutations caused changes that were not only beneficial in themselves but also allowed subsequent mutations that enhanced the brain still further.
«Instead, it looks like GR's repressive DNA binding activity goes way back, and that subsequent mutations shut that activity off in other family members besides GR,» Ortlund says.
These findings reinforce many things that we already know: that mutations acquire gradually with age, that most of the mutations in AML (and likely other tumors) are random background events not contributing to tumorigenesis, and that subsequent mutation and evolution can give rise to subclones that ultimately determine cancer progression and response to therapy.
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