Sentences with phrase «subsequent occasions»

Giving the Tea Rooms the highest of accolades — «the award» for their personal favourite date spot — they've been back on subsequent occasions since their first visit.
He pledged on many subsequent occasions to change, to listen, to consult.
In a 1998 study, less than 8 % had developed stones again within a 4 year period (although a few cats developed new stones on multiple subsequent occasions).
Every atomic entity is a subject in its moment of occurrence and passes into objectivity for subsequent occasions.
The answer to the question whether God can be present in a man as actual occasions are present in subsequent occasions is, therefore, affirmative.
Over against Ford and me, Hartshorne and Cobb claim that the subjective immediacy does not perish and is available for being prehended by subsequent occasions.
Even this objective immortality fades insofar as subsequent occasions prehend it with negative prehension, but such objective perishing is ultimately remedied by divine «everlastingness.»
What it experiences is bequeathed to it by others, for good or ill, and the results of its decision affect subsequent occasions, never itself.
The superject is «thrown beyond» the concrescent unification of feelings; it is its concrete unified outcome, capable of causally influencing subsequent occasions.
If A and B are occasions in the historic routes of enduring objects, then subsequent occasions in each route will prehend the earlier occasions in the other route.
It does not coerce the immediately subsequent occasion to conform to its own structure or quality of feeling in any absolutely rigid fashion.
The initial aim of subsequent occasions in the living person will be affected in part by the way in which earlier occasions have modified their aims, but it includes also an element of autonomy.
Each perished occasion is felt or «remembered» in a distinctive way by subsequent occasions.
When he says that an actual occasion perishes, he means that it happens as an atomic event and then does not change but rather becomes a potential for being an element in subsequent occasions.
Each occasion of our experience is immortal because it becomes datum for subsequent occasions both in our own route of occasions (our own selves) and in that of other occasions.
Implicit here, perhaps not yet fully worked out, is the subject as the occasion in its present becoming, occupying its spatiotemporal region as present, just as the superject, as the past being affecting subsequent occasions, occupies that same region as past.
On many subsequent occasions, the fungi ditched their photosymbiont partners, the researchers report in the 20 June issue of Nature.
The aesthetic character of reality means that every worldly value - experience contributes to the divine totality partly through the beauty that it actualizes and partly through its contribution to the beauty of subsequent occasions.
Particular past experiences, especially if they were emotionally intense, continue for a long time to affect the emotional tone of subsequent occasions.
Griffin & Sherburne, New York: The Free Press, 1978, 340) But the occasion becomes datum for a subsequent occasion.
God's causal efficacy for the world is like the efficacy of completed occasions for subsequent occasions and not like that of phases of the becoming of a single occasion for its successors.
Creativity does not explain why they occur or what form they take, but if they occur at all and regardless of what form they take, each will be an instance of creativity, a fresh unity formed as a new togetherness of the antecedent many and offering itself as a member of the multiplicity of which any subsequent occasion must take account.
If the value itself is diminished, that diminution is due to the limited aims of subsequent occasions, which we saw above does not apply to God.
All prehension of past conscious thought depends upon a subsequent occasion's having a hybrid - physical prehension of these intermediate propositions as embodied in the objectified subjective form of the finished occasion.
But then nothing is left for subsequent occasions to prehend.
And the present moment, after perishing, will become the objective datum to be perceived in the «memory» of a subsequent occasion.
In perishing, the occasions of experience are not relegated to absolute nothingness but instead are assigned an «objective immortality» in the experience of subsequent occasions.
And leaving themselves open, after perishing, to being experienced by subsequent occasions, they pass on the past to their successors.
When one entity causally influences another at the fundamental level of cosmic occurrence, it does so by perishing and handing itself over as an objective datum to be appropriated in an indeterminate way by subsequent occasions.
And through the regnant society's channeling influence, «Owing to the delicate organization of the body, there is a returned influence, an inheritance of character derived from the presiding occasion [whichever occasion of the regnant society has just concresced] and modifying the subsequent occasions through the rest of the body» (PR 166).
In perishing, occasions are not consigned to total nothingness but are granted a kind of «immortality» as elements in the experiences of subsequent occasions and groupings of occasions.
The structure of actual occasions as perceptive, as actively inheriting and synthesizing the past, and leaving themselves open to synthesis by subsequent occasions, gives us a basis for affirming the continued influence of occasions on subsequent occasions in the cosmic process.
Theories that posit the logic of binary oppositions, on the other hand, fail to accommodate the Whiteheadian «principle of relativity» according to which a subject constitutes itself Out of its prehensions of its past world, and then in turn functions objectively as a datum in the past world of all subsequent occasions (Whitehead, Process 214; 43).
I've lost count of the number of times that players and staff have come out after games admitting that opponents had been underestimated, which is disappointing the first time and inexcusable on every subsequent occasion.
On two subsequent occasions the efficacy of the thyroxine in controlling the dog's aggression was demonstrated.
The court's provisional view was that when dealing on a subsequent occasion with a further offence, the sentencing court should impose an appropriate concurrent sentence, be it determinate, indeterminate or extended, depending on the circumstances.
I always suggest people should respond to rejection — to consider what has happened and then work to improve their chances on subsequent occasions.
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