Sentences with phrase «subsets of students such»

Not exact matches

Adding to the costs and further complicating the picture is the subset of disabled students who need very extensive services, sometimes costing hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for each such pupil.
We further examine whether such disagreements are related to the racial match between students and teachers, which would suggest that at least a subset of teachers have systematically biased beliefs about students» educational potential.
The accountability systems encouraged all manner of dubious practices, such as focusing teacher effort on a small subset of students at risk of failing the exams rather than advancing every child's learning.
If you fail to include a subset of students in your pilot, such as students who qualify for free or reduced price lunch, ESL students, or students already performing above grade level expectations, you won't be able to accurately evaluate your new technology.
Which subsets of students, such as English Learners and special education students, will be taking the assessment.
While policymakers may debate the utility of such comparisons, such comparisons are better supported by the available data than are comparisons between teachers who work with very different subsets of students and under different conditions.
The team is currently focusing on a subset of students where known factors, such as sociodemographics and test scores, made incorrect predictions with an eye for better understanding these specialized cases.
One named condition was «To give slightly better chances for admission to all or a subset of educationally disadvantaged students if state law permits the use of such weighted lotteries,» (Baum, 2015).
Such an educational experience can have a truly profound impact on the trajectory of a student's life, and it is not one that should be reserved for only a small subset of students with access to good teachers.
The law is clear that social maladjustment and conduct disorders are not subsets of emotional or behavioral disorders, but how to help such students, in practice, is much less clear (Costenbader & Buntaine, 1999).
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