Sentences with phrase «subsists between»

As long as the connection subsists between his reason and his self - love, his opinions and his passions will have a reciprocal influence on each other; and the former will be objects to which the latter will attach themselves.
By a... union of affection is meant, that cordial and mutual love or affection which subsists between Christ and all true believers.
The social and moral teaching of the Church insists that just laws recognize the truth about marriage, that it is a relation that can only subsist between one man and one woman.
He holds that relationships are not derivative patterns subsisting between essentially self - sufficient entities, but that they are the primary basis for all being and becoming whatsoever.
But this last resemblance, subsisting between those who are most diversely situated temporally, cancels the difference which in respect of the first relation exists for those of diverse temporal situations.
In the book of Isaiah the day is foreseen when paradise is regained, and everyone not only goes back to a nonmeat diet, but the friendliest relations subsist between all species.
If we wish to express the relation subsisting between a contemporary and his successor in the briefest possible compass, but without sacrificing accuracy to brevity, we may say: The successor believes by means of (this expresses the occasional) the testimony of the contemporary, and in virtue of the condition he himself receives from the God.
No contract will subsist between you and Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels Ltd or any of its affiliates in respect of any services or products offered through the Site unless and until Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels Ltd accepts your order by e-mail or automated confirmation through the Site confirming that it has accepted your reservation, booking or order and any such contract shall be deemed to incorporate the hotel reservation terms and conditions of booking.

Not exact matches

The theory of abstraction is elaborated precisely in order to bridge the gap between an ontological world of subsisting individuals and the epistemological world of universals.
As for truth, Santayana speaks of this as subsisting, holding that it has an intermediate status between pure being and existence as that segment of the realm of essence which is distinguished from the rest by its role as a description of what exists.
Although rites certainly subsist in Israel, «the ritualization of life is no longer based on the correlation between myth and rite,» but on a fundamentally historical vision of reality.
Blue is the Warmest Color subsists on a healthy diet of passionate (and quite frankly committing) love scenes, ones that become starkly contrasted against moments of suffering, loneliness and heartbreak, as well as anything and everything in between.
She is interested in the inchoate and the abstract — amorphous things subsisting in an in - between state — as location for engagement and possibility for meanings.
With that in mind, here is a truism you ought to know: Most consumers can't readily distinguish between law firms and assume they're more or less the same; and now that smartphones enable consumers to review a larger array of options more quickly than ever before, you can't afford to be one of many and subsist on whichever clients just so happen to come across you.
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