Sentences with phrase «substandard work»

Their most recent publication — Enhancing the Postdoctoral Experience for Scientists and Engineers — released at a press briefing on 11 September, is an attempt to oil the wheels of reform in a culture that often perpetuates substandard working conditions for postdocs.
Groups with substandard work must make the necessary revisions before moving on.
At the time, Gallo criticized Madsen, who had worked as a carpenter and contractor, for performing substandard work on community development - funded project.
We must create an environment where standards can and must be met and where students are not permitted to submit substandard work without being asked to revise.
Readers become frustrated by having to wade through, and in many cases purchase, volumes of substandard work.
Nonetheless, the Fanjul Corp.'s American farming and processing facilities have faced a multitude of fines from the federal government over substandard working conditions.
This put many members in a tight spot, since they say they often were asked to push substandard work by friends.
Now, you can make the argument that HFR can more easily expose substandard work, I think that's a very fair point.
They accept substandard work and objectionable behavior because, deep down, they don't think we can do it, or worse, they believe we aren't worthy of the effort needed to prepare us for college and life.
These companies promise really low rates and great quality but they deliver substandard work, plagiarized content, previously written papers or nothing at all.
Yes, people still can, and do, publish substandard work, but those who write well are beginning to get noticed.
These organizations guarantee truly low rates and extraordinary quality however they convey substandard work, counterfeited content, already composed papers or nothing by any means.
-- Does giving praise to substandard work lower the standards for good art?
Irregularities involving expert prosecution evidence include substandard work; reliance on unreliable or compromised test procedures; and bias by slanting evidence reports and testimony to favor the prosecution.
But avoid the $ 99 resume scams that provide substandard work with zero research or strategic direction to maximize your actual job search results.
Despite promises, dealer performed substandard work, and did not bleed the AC system or replace the dryer or valve, when replacing the compressor (with a junked, rebuilt compressor).
Historically, incompetence has required a pattern of substandard work, rather than an isolated incident.
In the beginning, some providers took advantage of trusting authors and charged you an arm and a leg for substandard work.
We have extensive experience throughout Canada in construction - related litigation, including: improprieties in the bidding process; claims for construction liens; Performance and Labour and Material Payment Bond claims (primarily acting for surety); breach of trust; breach of construction contract claims; delays and liquidated damages claims; and problems caused by delays, damages, increases, substandard work, and debts guarantees.
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