Sentences with phrase «substantial action»

That may prove too late for investment to reach the required figure without substantial action.
«(1) to induce foreign countries, and, in particular, fast - growing developing countries, to take substantial action with respect to their greenhouse gas emissions consistent with the Bali Action Plan developed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; and
The Sloan Management Review at M.I.T. and the Boston Consulting Group have surveyed 1,500 corporate leaders and found that pledges of a shift toward sustainable business practices are often not backed up by substantial actions.
On Thursday Mayor de Blasio said that there would be «substantial action next week, legislatively.»
But the future is demanding even more substantial action, and the Academy itself must evolve to meet the challenges confronting the world.
We can not reasonably ask, «demand», or expect other countries to take substantial action (more so than already) if we don't do so.
He's talked of the summit being a «turning point in our pursuit of recovery» and used powerfully emotive language when justifying the substantial actions taken today.
Computer - generated images also add to the substantial action, whether it's a fireball that chases the protagonists or a cyclone that imprisons them in mid-air.
«This bill would actually prohibit the State Board of Education from finally taking any substantial actions to make any improvements to any failing schools,» Hogan said.
Kingdom Hearts was a departure from Square's standard role - playing games by introducing a substantial action - adventure element.
The Commonwealth declaration avoided setting a numerical limit to global temperature rise, saying only, «We stress our common conviction that urgent and substantial action to reduce global emissions is needed and have a range of views as to whether average global temperature increase should be constrained to below 1.5 degrees or to no more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.»
The United States also will take prompt, substantial action to help the least developed and most vulnerable countries adapt and build resilience to the impacts of climate change.»
McGivney Consruction Ltd v. Kaminski [2015] CSOH 107 Commercial court; directors» duties; substantial action for account of proft derived from breach of fiduciary duty, including «springboard claim»
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