Sentences with phrase «substantial difference in the value»

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When there is a significant discrepancy between the figures in the two tables, it is often due to: (i) differences in when long - term cash is accounted for; (ii) substantial changes in pension value or NQDCE; or (iii) companies granting long - term incentives for the year in review following the fiscal year end.
Research has previously shown that differences in cultural and social capital can have repercussions in areas as diverse as use of language by the time children enter school, preferential access to grammar and faith schools, the type of characteristics parents value when choosing schools, the kind of studies children undertake and their access to more prestigious universities, or even the adoption of cultural practices linked to substantial cognitive gains like reading for pleasure.
This could mean a substantial difference in the amount an insurance company pays out for a crash because new motorcycles significantly decrease in value the moment once they are driven off a lot.
Overall, CPL's a miraculous story of survival while the Celtic Tiger was being slaughtered... Of course, management owns a substantial stake — this really makes all the difference when things go wrong, as protecting & growing the ultimate value of the business is far more important to them than the value of their pay packages.The company did suffer two years of decline (2009 - 10), but revenues have come surging back ever since, and in 2012 they surpassed prior (2008) peak revenues.
In accordance with the key principle of the Default Clause that damages are to be based on (but not limited to) the difference between the contract price and the actual or estimated value of the goods at the date of default, the Board of Appeal had awarded Buyers substantial damages.
Certainly, having Nobel laureate Harold Varmus on the editorial board, and a substantial endowment funding the journal's promotion made a difference, but at least some of the quality materials the journal attracted were a result of the authors» interest in demonstrating the value of open access.
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