Sentences with phrase «substantial penalties if»

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If approved, it would potentially allow the ride - hailing service to avoid a more substantial penalty in federal court.
If the courts find they have been misclassified by Handy and should have been classified as employees, Handy will face substantial fines and penalties.
If rules of origin changes take place, you may need to change the way your goods are sourced or where they are created to avoid substantial financial penalties.
The «narrative» of war is just as substantial, if not more so, than that of the death penalty.
«But if it had continued, it would likely have resulted in substantial penalties and repayment obligations.»
If you leave NIH before your commitment is up, you must repay whatever amount NIH has dispersed to the lender plus a substantial penalty.
§ Commit to working two - years at the practice location in exchange for loan repayment and agree to substantial repayment penalties if the term of service is not completed;
If you withdraw your deposit earlier than the maturity date, the penalties can be substantial.
If one bank only accepts checks and you always forget to mail them in on time, finding a bank that does auto - debits can save you a substantial amount in fees and penalties.
Your interest rate is typically lowered as well, usually by a substantial amount if you were paying a penalty rate.
If the conversion is substantial, you may wish to speak with your tax person and determine if you should pay estimated taxes so that you can escape tax penaltieIf the conversion is substantial, you may wish to speak with your tax person and determine if you should pay estimated taxes so that you can escape tax penaltieif you should pay estimated taxes so that you can escape tax penalties.
Make your monthly investments when you pay your other bills, and treat them as if they had a substantial late - payment penalty.
That's right, if little Johnny decides he doesn't want to go to college and instead use his 529 fund to buy a new car, he can't do so without your consent (and paying substantial penalties for non qualified expenses).
If you don't have an emergency fund you are going to get stuck with a substantial tax bill 10 % penalty plus taxes at your marginal rate.
If there are substantial changes, such as a higher interest rate for your loan or a prepayment penalty is added, you'll receive an extra three days to review the closing disclosure.
You eliminate the 10 % penalty in a cash account but if a gain is substantial, the IRS will ask for a quarterly estimated tax.
That means if you fail to pay the balance on time, the penalties you suffer in higher interest rates and fees can be substantial.
If you own and maintain your own website, a change in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) effective 12/31/17 could leave you vulnerable to substantial penalties... Learn More
Failure to comply can lead to substantial financial and / or criminal penalties — and in some countries a decision to dismiss may be void if it is not taken in the right way.
If you have been charged with a drug crime in Illinois, you could be facing serious penalties, including a mandatory prison sentence and substantial fines.
A prison term, substantial fines, a criminal record, separation from your family, strict probation or parole conditions upon your release from jail: these are the harsh penalties that await you if you are convicted of a crime in New York state.
The very real and substantial penalties that often flow from the IRP regime would be acceptable if the review process were fair.
Because of substantial surrender penalties, the California Department of Insurance warns that you shouldn't buy a permanent life insurance if you plan to give up the policy shortly after purchasing it.
However, if the penalty or fine is substantial or could result in the loss of your license, you might want to seek out the advice of a MN traffic ticket lawyer.
As a result of trying to avoid treating at - home workers as employees, Rosen indicates that background screening firms can potentially face liability for federal and state payroll taxes that should have been paid for misclassified workers, substantial penalties to the IRS or state, fees and damages if litigation is involved, and responsibility for benefits and overtime pay the independant contractors would have received if classified as employees.
As a result of trying to avoid treating at - home workers as employees, Rosen indicates that background screening firms can potentially face liability for federal and state payroll taxes that should have been paid for misclassified workers, substantial penalties to the IRS or state, fees and damages if litigation is involved, and responsibility for benefits and overtime pay the independent contractors would have received if classified as employees.
Substantial income tax penalties can hit you if you tap into retirement accounts before a certain age.
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