Sentences with phrase «substantial time»

Joint physical custody, also called shared physical custody, means that your child spends substantial time living with both parents and both parents have equal responsibility to physically care for your child.
Often, financially successful men are unable to devote substantial time to family or a long - term relationship, due to the nature of their work.
Most states expect children to have substantial time with both parents — except in cases of abuse.
Before making any important decisions, they collected extensive data, discussed issues in great depth, and took substantial time for reflection.
Some questions require substantial time on my part to answer while others are quite quick.
This saves teachers substantial time in the assessment and data - entry process, and makes immediately available a wealth of easily manipulated information on student performance.
An additional credit may apply for substantial time - sharing.
If located far from the taxpayer's residence, how likely is the taxpayer to have spent substantial time on the activity?
Many law firms and lawyers invest substantial time and money optimizing their websites for the search engines.
In some cases, your injury may require you to miss substantial time at work, thereby affecting your monthly income.
Talk to the elders in your group about how they approach your advisor on how to get substantial time off.
Most plans require the delay be for a more substantial time, up to 48 hours for some.
We are active members of our respective communities, and have donated substantial time to and / or assumed leadership positions in various non-profit organizations.
Usually, a machine operator is given substantial time to produce a batch.
No matter what instructional methods we employ, students must spend substantial time applying the reading skills and strategies we teach before they develop reading proficiency.
This is a very unique league and, like many others, requires substantial time including a full summer training season to adapt to style of play.
However, a national study has found that most kindergarten teachers spend substantial time teaching math concepts that are too basic for most students.
He was a REALTOR before I was, consequently he had more time invested and very substantial time.
Finally, the cost of negotiating may be higher, because substantial time and effort may be required to tailor the transaction to the seller's needs.
Documents such as releases of old mortgages usually take substantial time and effort to address.
Both parents have substantial time with the child so there may be less fighting over the schedule.
Complete, balanced and nutritionally adequate homemade diets require substantial time, effort and cost.
We've invested substantial time and resources into understanding every aspect of the client groups we specialize in working with.
These are important questions to ask: large clients spend substantial time, money, and energy working with their law firms.
Eventually you'll become powerful enough that these smaller payoffs no longer push your Light level upward, meaning you'll need to go after rarer and more challenging events — like the Leviathan raid or Nightfall strikes — which require a more substantial time investment and the ability (and willingness) to work well within a team.
I provided instances over substantial time that unemployment DECREASES, tax revenue INCREASES.
Eastman defends his designation by stating that the South Dakota Attorney General is «authorized to appoint assistant attorneys general as he may deem necessary on a part - time basis for special assignments,» and that he will expend substantial time on the case over the balance of this month and next month.
End User shall not acquire any proprietary rights, including intellectual property rights, in or to the Consumer AVM reports, or the information contained therein, which rights remain solely and exclusively in Collateral Analytics («CA») and / or CA's suppliers and licensors and End User acknowledges that the Consumer AVM reports, and information contained therein are valuable commercial products, the development of which has involved the expenditure of substantial time and money.
Admittedly, it can be a challenge getting access to the right people to put in front of the camera, let alone coaching them to speak to the right talking points, but speaking for ourselves, the effort has always paid off — and when doing so, we've usually saved substantial time and resources.
In addition to working hard for my traditional clients, I dedicate substantial time helping people and nonprofit companies which can not afford traditional legal representation.
There is the potential for substantial time savings and reduced court appearances which should translate into reduced legal fees for clients mired in the system.
Our reviewer put in substantial time testing the Nest alongside the several other cameras listed.
Whether it be transitioning to competency - based progression, designing high quality performance assessments, or embedding out - of - school learning experiences into the curriculum, school cultures and practices don't change without substantial time freed up for the adults in a school to plan, design, and reflect on their craft.
The CEO of ROSS Intelligence estimated that ROSS could save lawyers substantial time in the future.
The woman in front of me was a woman of integrity, deep faith and sincere commitment to the church, She had been hired to be a pastoral assistant, and in that role she had contributed substantial time and amazing gifts to the congregation.
Dr. Olson's lab spent substantial time developing and testing various guide RNAs (ribonucleic acids) that could lead the Cas9 enzyme precisely to 12 designated splice sites and avoid errant edits.
On the one hand, some plans narrow periods to two to three meals per day, with substantial time gaps in between (i.e. time - restricted feeding).
Speaking to host Sway Calloway on his Sirius XM radio show, Sway in the Morning, he shared: «I think I was after something real substantial this time, I'm 30 - years - old.
«ACE staff spends substantial time talking to potential applicants about the program to help them discern whether ACE would be a good fit,» wrote ACE director John Staud in an email.
As students struggled to make sense of the edTPA handbooks, we have allocated substantial time guiding in preparing their portfolios.
2) Teachers working full time in the classroom have limited opportunities to understand how district central offices, university partners, or other policy - making organizations work — unless they are released to spend substantial time outside of the school.
I'm learning the ropes of social media marketing, which is taking substantial time away from working on my new book, but I know I'll have to do this even if I eventually sign with a publisher, so it's all good.
I wasted substantial time writing twice as many emails as would have been needed if my instructions had been read carefully and followed completely the first time.

Phrases with «substantial time»

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