Sentences with phrase «subtle performance»

Everybody gives subtle performances, sometimes looking like they are not doing anything.
This time, though, the Spanish automaker is giving us a refreshed take of the sports hatch, complete with some new aesthetic modifications and a nice and subtle performance upgrade.
Tasked with constantly reacting to her father as he surfaces at the most inappropriate moments, Hüller delivers a remarkably subtle performance as the introvert so committed to bottling up her feelings.
Johnson delivers a surprisingly subtle performance in the lead role, but he's not given a whole lot to chew on.
Stone gives a much more compelling and subtle performance here than she did in «La La Land,» for which she won the Best Actress Oscar earlier this year.
It is all held together by a remarkably subtle performance by Ana Brun, moving between melancholy and hope with ease.
This is a wonderfully subtle performance, decorated with palpable exhaustion, littered with red herons of postpartum, and it's a testament to Theron's transformative power as a performer.
Chameleon Chiwetel Ejiofor (Serenity) puts in a surprisingly subtle performance as Denzel's offsider, which proves yet again that he's an incredibly versatile actor, and one to watch.
With an internalized and very subtle performance, Biel excels in her ability to find the very motivation of May.
Although Dwayne Johnson was all over the place this year, his most subtle performance appeared in the little - seen Snitch.
His beard alone is a work of art but his ever so subtle performance is enthralling also.
Glamorous Brit drop - top gains subtle performance enhancing updates that include more power and torque, quicker steering and sports suspension
It's time someone was brave enough to explore this difficult topic with unflinching clarity, and because veteran actors Jean - Louis Trintignant and Emmanuelle Riva give such subtle performances as the elderly couple whose loving relationship is tested to breaking point by terminal illness.
It's too bad that Chastain's heady, exquisitely subtle performance is dragged down by the laughably vehement male characters that seek to speak for her.
For how entertaining this film it, it's really a credit to the cast just how subtle their performances are when they're in situations where it could have been easy to overact, almost to the point that you could believe that these things could be taking place in the house next door.
But if Child's Pose fails to live up to its indie - intellectual veneer, it earns its keep through Gheorgiu, whose Cornelia is a triumph of subtle performance over crude conception.
Boseman, whose disciplined and often subtle performance is at the center of the wonderful acting ensemble, was asked by Brooke Anderson on Entertainment Television to differentiate between working on the sets of Black Panther and Captain America: Civil War (2016), the film in the Avengers series in which he played the Black Panther for the first time.
Travolta's subtle performance anchors the movie, and he got much of the press.
I'm a fan of nuanced, subtle performances rather than big showy ones like Bale's and Rush's.
The movie's engrossing atmosphere is undoubtedly heightened by Bening's impressively subtle performance, as the actress drops the over-the-top schtick that's come to plague most of her work as of late and instead imbues her damaged character with an appropriately nuanced, low - key feel.
Ryan Gosling turns in a terrifically subtle performance, and the film looks fantastic; legendary cinematographer Roger Deakins confirms his legend once more.
Coster - Waldau, sporting a decent American accent, commits to both the character's earnest desire to improve and his apparently congenital weakness (the latter supplemented by Forster's beautifully subtle performance, which culminates in a superb ending).
And Ruben Niborski, the non-religious actor who plays Menashe's son, is magnificent in a uniquely subtle performance.
Indeed, her marvelous, subtle performance makes Crowe's so - called scene - stealer look plain ridiculous.
It's amazing when you consider that John Hurt gave an alarmingly subtle performance as the equally screwed - up The Elephant Man as recently as 1980.
The mystery unfolds slowly with Renner showcasing his abilities as a leading man with a stellar subtle performance alongside Olsen, who also does great work here.
Colm Meaney plays McGuinness in a far subtler performance that still doesn't ring as accurate.
The sheet metal benefits from sharper angles and subtle performance cues such as the creased elements over the wheels, referred to as Quattro blisters by Audi designers.
Otherwise this could be a very exciting moment for Irish star Ruth Negga, who gives an excellent, quietly conceived and subtle performance in the race drama Loving.
Renner catches this with a wonderfully subtle performance that really gets under the skin.
I'd say Hawkins, McDormand, Robbie and Ronan are definitely in, and it's tempting to not pick Streep considering it's a more subtle performance and The Post has been underperforming, but I would never go against her after they nominated her for Florence Foster Jenkins, Into the Woods and August: Osage County.
But in The First Wives Club the society matron (Maggie Smith, in the movie's most subtle performance) rolls her eyes and screws up her face in distaste because the filmmakers don't trust the audience to get the joke.
It's a remarkably subtle performance, supported by Fleck and Boden's insistence on keeping the drama low - key and cutting scenes several beats before they drift into false clashes or sentimentality.
However, a nearly unrecognizable Griffin Dunne (40 Days and 40 Nights, After Hours) gives a strong - yet - subtle performance as Dr. Vass, the physician who lost his license by prescribing unapproved meds shown to work wonders, eventually leaving him to do business in Mexico in an effort to save as many lives as possible.
It has been known for some - time that antioxidant supplements have subtle performance - suppressing effect on endurance exercise events.
This is a big movie, about big emotions and ideas, which Rees evokes and explores through an extraordinarily rich tapestry of atmosphere, physical setting, visual detail and sensitive, subtle performances.
The only reason for watching such a shallow and worn drama is because of Crudup's subtle performance.
Moore's stunning, subtle performance as a woman trapped in the conventions of her time encapsulates the film's brave, double - edged beauty.
Chris Lowell gives a nice, subtle performance, making the character's uncertainty relatable.
Brown gives a subtle performance that has the emotional charge that Matt Damon lacked in Good Will Hunting.
K is established as a purposefully shallow protagonist, initially meant to serve as the viewers» conduit into future Los Angeles, but several twists and a surprisingly powerful love story, aided by Gosling's subtle performance, make K a unique and heart - breaking hero.
It's immediately evident that Turner isn't looking to deliver anything resembling a subtle performance here, as the actress offers up a scenery - chewing turn that vacillates wildly between somewhat charming to aggressively annoying.
This is McGregor's most mature and subtle performance to date: even in sunlight, his Joe seems to walk in shadow as if he had forfeited the right to natural warmth.
It's a thin line between a subtle performance that captivates and a lack of performance that bores, and Cousty is always on the right side of that divide.
The answer is complex, and revealed in the subtle performance of Wieckiewicz, who plays sewer worker Leopold Socha.
And in front of the camera, Edgerton gives a subtle performance that's menacing but never overtly villainous, sympathetic but vaguely intimidating.
His quiet dignity means that at its heart the film has a degree of appeal, and Servillo gives a subtle performance of significant strength.
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