Sentences with phrase «subtle work»

It is a very subtle work that was executed in 1969 and has an estimate of $ 30,000 to $ 40,000.
Their music here may be their most subtle work to date.
This quite subtle work was drawn in 1977 and has an estimate of $ 12,000 to $ 18,000.
Meant for young children, Barbara Helen Berger's story is a brilliant and subtle work of theology.
Pair that with Gilchrist's awkwardly subtle work in It's Kind of a Funny Story, and we could have a pretty charming duo here.
However that doesn't diminish from the continued strong work of Viola Davis and the winsome and subtle work done by Mandy Moore in mega hit This Is Us.
There's been a mini-spate of low - budget vehicles for older actresses recently — shoestring - budget films that feel gossamer - thin, yet feature stellar, subtle work by their leading ladies.
Impressive in films such as «Dirty Pretty Things» and «Children of Men,» Ejiofor is a supple actor whose subtle work conveys the mind - bending notion of a man born free but hijacked into slavery, a man who finds the keystones of his identity ripped away from him, possibly never to return.
For years, Chicago - born Michael Pena has been the guy behind the guy, doing good, subtle work with the roles he's landed — occasionally in color - blind, ethnically nonspecific casting situations, more often up against other Latino performers also deserving...
The sporadic emphasis on the town's efforts to keep the Bianca charade going proves to be the only reasonably interesting aspect of the film, although it's clear that Gosling's strong, subtle work here may just earn Lars and the Real Girl a small but devoted following.
Using minimal materials and maximal innuendo, Al Taylor created subtle works full of historical references and tinged with humor.
Sable (expensive) or Mongoose / mixed hair brushes for more subtle work and fine details - flats size 8, 6, 4 and 2 - rounds sizes 6, 4 and 2 - filberts sizes 6, 4 and 2.
In the suite of subtle works on paper and canvas, Burki all but abandoned the playful but enigmatic imagery — graphic, at times comical, icons loosely inspired by archaic mythologies and future visions — that characterized his earlier work.
Vo's assured and subtle work expresses a number of urgent concerns related to cultural identity, politics, and history, evoking these themes through shifting, poetic forms that traverse time and geography.»
Mos Def offers a more subdued take on Ordell Robie than Samuel L. Jackson did in Jackie Brown (adapted from Leonard's much - later Rum Punch); John Hawkes does wonderfully subtle work as Louis Gara; Jennifer Aniston puts in a rare darker turn as the socialite they hold for ransom; and Tim Robbins is enjoyably sleazy as her husband.
De Niro's really subtle work is buoyed by great supporting turns from Alessandro Nivola and Michelle Pfeiffer as well.
This is Kazan's first screenplay credit, but we have no reservations on the quality of her work: her Off - Broadway play «We Live Here» unfortunately drew comparisons to the often histrionic and extravagant «Rachel Getting Married» for sharing a similar plot, but the former was actually a much stronger and subtler work without all of the miserablist Oscar - beggar mayhem.
Likely to go unnoticed alongside such rich star turns is Rea, but his poignantly subtle work is every bit as impressive as that of his co-stars.
While this trend of assemblage may be ubiquitous to the point of becoming overexposed, Rosch's simple, subtle works exhibit unusual elegance.
It is an extremely subtle work, so subtle that the uninformed viewer might not notice the progression or even the existence of the film.
More recently, Ms. Haggard has firmed her geometry, flattened her color, made reference to folded form, and added subtle works on paper.
Nicolas K Feldmeyer: Subliminal Spaces @ Maddox Fine Arts A hypnotic video work of water slowly filling a square dug into a beach and other subtle works exploring the geometry of space.
Among the organic and ovular shapes, another more subtle work stands out in its geometric, dynamic lines, like an ice - colored, slender vertical waterfall of translucent paper bow ties, sprinkled with a smattering of colored confetti.
The Museum of Modern Art in New York holds one of his most beautifully subtle works, «Winter Scene,» a grayish field of bare trees.
Thanks to subtle work using geometric shapes and colour, his marble sculptures defy the laws of gravity.
This is evident in the bold project Raising at Jupiter Artland, which saw the gallery audience partake in designing and building a modular house, and in subtler work such as Hand Helds, a delicate perforated line that hints at physical flexibility and manipulation.
Few comic book artists are capable of such nuance and so it's a lot to ask, but having seen Phil Noto do exactly this kind of superior and subtle work in the last year on «Wolverine and Jubilee» and «X-23», this did fall flat in comparison.
But if you can undertake the delicate, subtle work of learning to really love someone else well and if you are thoughtful about how you measure love, you can experience kinds of love that are startling real and infinite and true and in their quiet way absolutely dazzling, kinds of love that can in turn enable you to guide young people in the real courage and discipline of developing self - respecting and generous love relationships.
Barbara Rose: The 1960s and»70s was a moment when there was very serious, analytic painting in which people were doing very subtle work — often in close - valued colors, and acknowledging the material quality of the canvas, but in a different way than the people favored by Clement Greenberg.
I stand by No Country For Old Men as my final pick for 2007's best film, but the emotional power and complexity that Penn communicates in Into the Wild, in his often raw imagery and headlong direction, moves me on a personal level in a very different way than the more than the exquisite and subtle work by the Coens.
While many artistic projects that aim to integrate scientific subject matter often turn into rote demonstrations of a technological gimmick, or misunderstand the critical thrust of artistic practice, Yang's subtle work conveys a sensitivity to aesthetic experience and demonstrates the ways in which art informs scientific vision.
This distinct lack of authenticity is reflected in Magnani's distractingly emphatic performance, which is just about the polar opposite of Brando's subtle work here.
Adult Books Associate Editor Donna Seaman says, «The lists that are the most challenging are for literary novels, subtle works full of ideas, varied settings, unusual predicaments, and diverse characters.
In a statement, the jury said that Vo's «assured and subtle work expresses a number of urgent concerns related to cultural identity, politics, and history, evoking these themes through shifting, poetic forms that traverse time and geography.»
Cage had a direct influence on Philip Guston and Franz Kline, both featured in the exhibition via some of their most subtle work.
Purportedly Francis is laying the groundwork for a subtle work - around of established Church teachings:
This is not spin, but the subtler work of explaining what it's doing and why: «There are no natural teacher - politicians in its ranks».
Her goal is that through this subtle work, she and those who work with her can live their best lives and pass their blessings forward to those they love, the world and future generations.
But his antics are not so compelling as the subtler work by both Damon and DiCaprio (who have plenty to live up to, as both Andy Lau and Tony Leung were precisely perfect in their film).
Subtle work.
It's a very subtle work, reminiscent in scope to an independent film, although the presence of Nicole Kidman gives the subject matter the weight it properly deserves.
Don't get me wrong, I think Scott Thomas is very remarkable, but I also think HFPA members won't understand / appreciate her naunced and subtle work — or at least enough to give it a win
The Oscars have recognized her for the first time for her subtle work in «Spotlight,» but can we pretend the nomination is also honoring «Mean Girls,» «The Notebook,» and «Midnight in Paris»?
Between the final two, I think the subtler work in «The Dark Knight» may stand a better chance with the British Academy than with the Americans, but ultimately, I think «Button»» s effects are too spectacular to ignore.
(I did like Will Forte's subtle work, and the beautiful cinematography and evocative, minimalist score.)
There are later developments including an addiction specialist (Michael Smiley) and a third - act plot - intrusion which threatens to derail all the subtle work done up until then, but for the most part it's a quiet (and sometimes not so quiet) two hander between Reynor and Colette, or Reynor and Poulter.
Unfortunately, the studio did not appreciate his quiet, subtle work and Freund was only allowed to direct once more, on the underrated Mad Love with Peter Lorre.
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