Sentences with phrase «subtractive process»

Subtractive process refers to a method of making something by removing or taking away material, rather than adding to it. It involves starting with a larger piece and removing or subtracting parts until the desired shape or form is achieved. It is the opposite of additive process, which involves building or adding material to create something. Full definition
Whether one considers these bold innovations or gimmicks by which to impress the art market, they had nothing to do with abstraction as such, with that ruthless subtractive process of whittling images down to their roots which so obsessed critics like Greenberg that they put it at the center of their story of what modern art even is.
The play between additive and subtractive processes means that the potential for uncertainty is ever present within a rigorous visual language.
The additive and subtractive process of painting allows me to invent characters to perform distilled tableaux on themes ranging from gender identity, power, sexuality, and relationships.
Beck, who hails from Knoxville, Tennessee, works intuitively through a subtractive process, beginning with lots of colour and bold, soft brush strokes and then working backwards.
The interplay between the additive and subtractive processes, making and unmaking, underlies this ground breaking and sophisticated body of work.
Libman creates her works using a subtractive process.
This interplay between the additive and subtractive processes, making and unmaking, underlies this ground breaking and sophisticated body of work.
Rather, his dynamic compositions are arrived at in an intuitive additive / subtractive process.
Dettmer employs a subtractive process, sealing the book and then removing pages to connect disparate ideas — restructuring meaning on the printed page, while offering «a holistic saturation of new paths for exploration.»
The play between the additive and subtractive process, the making and unmaking, underlies this sophisticated body of work.
In Benjamin DeMott's sculptures, the subtractive process of building a sculpture is visible — the detritus of his personal archive, whether conceptual or physical, is manifested as assemblage.
Each structure is brought forth in a subtractive process, chainsawed out of the superannuated fallen limbs from drought stricken trees of Southern California.
Penone meticulously carves back the bark and outer layers of seemingly mundane pieces of wood along the growth lines in order to reveal and expose the various knots that once formed the saplings and branches, a subtractive process that yields a younger version of the tree contained within the beam.
The piece was actually created by both using the collage and décollage techniques, relying on the cumulative and subtractive processes to deliver a dynamic depiction of a decaying city whose tiny, obscure street grids were no longer able to maintain its skeletal integrity.
This additive and subtractive process is what gives Nassikas» work its rich surface texture.
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