Sentences with phrase «suburban children»

Questions like these have remained unanswered, largely because research in this area has focused almost exclusively on urban and suburban children living in majority - culture communities.
If the unity of society requires that children from all different backgrounds go to school together, then we must outlaw private schools and compel suburban children to go to the same schools inner - city children attend.
City and suburban children grow up mostly shopping at supermarkets they are far removed from the natural process of where the food they eat comes from.
The judge, following the experts, decreed the rebuilding of many schools for the purpose of making them attractive to the hoped - for suburban children, an expensive enterprise.
Do you think Bill Gates cares about suburban children, let alone urban children?
These alliance districts, subject to so many experiments that would never be allowed on suburban children (nor should they be) are also forced to accept TFA instead of actual teachers.
Above all, the report questions why an educational model deemed substandard for more privileged suburban children is being so vigorously promoted — perhaps even forced — on poor children in Milwaukee.»
It became evident that wealthy suburban children needed social and emotional skills just as much as their inner city, low - income counterparts (and every kid in between).
They came out looking like a suburban child version of New Edition.
Urban and rural children are more likely than suburban children to attend full - day kindergarten and economically disadvantaged children are more likely than advantaged children to attend full - day kindergarten (NCES).
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