Sentences with phrase «succeeded at anything»

Because if Bungie has succeeded at anything, it's in delivering a game that fits into your life instead of suffocating it.
Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one area where I truly belonged.
Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena where I believe I truly belonged.
Effective people know that no one succeeds at anything worthwhile on their own — so they work hard to build teams of bright, motivated, and highly skilled people, knowing that a great team is always greater than the sum of its parts.
Gamble on yourself and work harder than everybody else, and no doubt you can succeed at anything
It typically didn't take a big push as I always had a high drive to succeed at anything I attempted.
The only way to succeed at anything is to learn and understand how it's done before getting started.
Without knowing exactly what you're doing and why, you're going to have a really hard time succeeding at anything, let alone physical transformation.
If you want to succeed at anything in this world, you're going to have to put some effort into it.
As played by Jessica Chastain, Molly's a smart, type A personality who seems able to adapt to any situation and who can succeed at anything she puts her mind to even when idiot men get in her way.
Skinny, the title character in Donna Cooper's debut novel, lives in Ever Davies» closet and whispers hateful messages to her — like that she's too fat to succeed at anything, especially her dream of singing in the school musical.
You really do take the fear out of Indie Publishing, and your tenacity and determination is a great example of what it takes to succeed at anything... especially publishing.
You can succeed at anything if you want it enough, and Forex trading is no different, so right now you should ask yourself «How much do I want to be a successful Forex trader» and then go back and re-read this article and begin implementing the points discussed here immediately.
It typically didn't take a big push as I always had a high drive to succeed at anything I attempted.
To succeed at anything, you got ta» keep your eyes on the prize and don't lose focus of your goals.

Not exact matches

There are reliable, objective means to determine who will succeed at sales, even if they've never sold anything and don't look as though they could.
Today, no one succeeds by themselves at anything.
But we must remember that if we succeedat anything — it is only because our abundantly gracious God has allowed us, for His glory.
I'm ruling out Keita right off the bat not because I have anything against him personally, but because there's something about his demeanor that makes me think he doesn't quite have the personality / character to succeed at Juve.
This week on Mom Talk Radio, Rachel Simmons, author of Enough As She Is: How to Help Girls Move Beyond Impossible Standards of Success to Live Healthy, Happy, and Fulfilling Lives, shares how our culture's message to girls that they can achieve anything has become such a burden to succeed at everything.
But here's the interesting part: Compared with toddlers who had just watched an adult succeed effortlessly, or not watched an adult do anything at all, the toddlers who had seen the adult struggle pushed the button more.
On workout motivation: I really wanted to have myself as my biggest motivator, because at the end of the day, if you can not motivate yourself, you are never going to truly succeed in anything.
Julie @ A Warrior and A Nurse recently posted... 1,001 Free eBooks that You Must Read to Succeed (at Just About Anything!)
Florentino Prez has warned Carlo Ancelotti that the pressure to succeed at Real Madrid is unlike anything the new manager has experienced at PSG, Chelsea.
Nevertheless, it is astounding to me how many critics missed this completely (including Ebert) and in turn, how well Haneke succeeded at manipulating the critics and most viewers into thinking this was an emotionally uplifting film, when it was anything but.
The game is a physics based endurance run that succeeds at what it intends to do, but fails to bring anything new to the genre but isn't a bad attempt by any means.
Liman, Cruise, and Spinelli have certainly succeeded in turning Seal's life into entertainment, but they've failed at making his life art, political art that doesn't just depict a particular man's life, but also his times, with all of the complexity, contradictions, and complications that implies, up to and including depicting Seal not just as a romantic anti-hero, but as the personification of a particular kind of American individualism and exceptionalism, going anywhere, doing anything, and facing few, if any consequences, to borrow the title of Graham Greene's politically prescient novel, the embodiment of the «Ugly American.»
With the Stones, he would be capable to succeed in his objective very quickly, and he'll prevent at not anything to seek out them.
As a whole, the plot itself isn't terrible, though it feels more like an excuse to bring all of the series» most famous characters together, rather than a story in it's own right, not that it really needs to be anything else. Eiji Aonuma described it as more of a celebration of the Zelda series, rather than a proper entry, and at that it succeeds wonderfully.
If anything, Avary has succeeded in creating a convincing alien world that at once intrigues and repels.
Even then, it's difficult to feel as if we're actually witnessing anything new, though by that point the combination of rapid - fire editing and an over-emotive score at least succeeds in stimulating us enough to create the illusion of excitement.
Opportunity to learn — or what QC terms «the tools to succeed» — can become a handy, even virtuous, excuse for not holding anyone to account for actually teaching or learning anything, or at least for justifying mediocrity.
«The governor has proposed excellent options to help students succeed at every level; removing barriers for those don't want to settle for anything less than a top - notch education,» Vos said in the statement.
There's this idea that every smart kid in the world needs to go to college to succeed at life, but I really don't see any shame in becoming a plumber or a pipefitter or anything like that.
Every author who has succeeded was at some point willing to do anything to sell their book.
I also sure as shit don't want any corporation — especially one that deals with something I care about as much as I do literature and books — succeeding with anything that smells so strongly of an attempt at a monopoly.
We at Certified Inspection Training, Inc. care about your professional success and will do anything we can to help you succeed.
As for the switch I give it at best 40m at best and I am not revising that number (between 30 and 40 is my estimate) since I get the feeling the console will be succeeded far sooner than you all think (and this is one of those few things I can not back up with anything so feel free to ignore until it happens)
The gameplay succeeds at being a mobile game, but struggles at being anything more.
Regardless of your opinion of David Cage, who seems to be too clever by half no matter how you cut it, I think Heavy Rain was a solid gaming experience that succeeded mostly by being different from anything else at the time.
Unlike quite anything they had published before, although it shared in some of the universal naturalism of flight sim PilotWings, this collaborative effort saw Nintendo succeed at saying: this is hereby what will be considered a mainstream consumer experience for a game.
At this point, no one can guarantee that anything will succeed.
For a long time I didn't really think about it, I just put a lot of work into my own firm, even thought it took a little while before I was able to bring in any money, much less anything equivalent to what my wife was making and I just sort of assumed that we were going to support me so that I could succeed at this thing.
As with anything, the better your credit score is, and the longer your history with the credit card company, the better the odds at succeeding when you ask for an interest rate reduction.
Google's Nexus 9 is the Goldilocks of pure Android tablets and, for the most part, designer HTC succeeds at making a device that's «just right» next to anything but an iPad.
A few years later in university, my navy divisional officer wrote in my fitness report: «Cadet Douglas will never amount to anything until he succeeds at school and cuts his hair.»
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