Sentences with phrase «successes than failures»

If more secular marriage counselors would just emphasize the role of forgiveness in relationships, they would have more successes than failures.
Nintendo is no stranger to failure, but it appears as though they've had more successes than failures over the years.
With passive investing you are throwing it in a pool expecting more successes than failures spread - out over say 500 companies on the premise that all known factors and assumptions are priced in.
I believe moms and dads through the course of each day have many more successes than failures.
«We're having more successes than failures,» says Nocetti of the gradual implementation that's taken place over the past several years, «and we think we'll get even better.»
Thank you for starting the rally — it is often hard for me to convert recipes as my family requires gluten, dairy, egg, and soy - free foods — but with ratios I can experiment and have far more successes than failures.
Why We Learn More From Success Than Failure

Not exact matches

The owner has more to do with the success or failure of the company than any employee ever could.
The difference between success and failure is often based simply on the ability to grind: To stay the course, to force past obstacles, to push yourself further than you think you can go.
By setting goals that are realistic and achievable you'll be setting yourself up for smaller, continued success, rather than one massive failure.
It's easier (and a whole lot more optimistic) to focus on the successes rather than the failures.
Just as there is no one path that guarantees success, there is not one single mistake that will doom a startup to failure — there's more than 50, actually.
With more than 1.5 billion users, a single algorithm tweak can make the difference between success and failure for a publisher.
What's important is knowing that you have each other and that the love between you is stronger than any success or failure could ever be.
Graff has started nearly a dozen businesses since, meeting with «far more failures than successes,» he admits.
The nature of the CEO role makes it much easier to learn from failures than successes.
When it comes to Alzheimer's, there are more drug failures than successes.
For many startups, success and rapid growth can be more stressful than failure or rejection.
Failure can indeed be a better teacher than success.
We've all heard this sort of advice following a setback, and entrepreneurs — given the risky nature of their trade and the necessity of multiple failures for later success — have more opportunities to hear it than most.
He emphasized to us that because he gotten to know us as people, he truly wanted to be part of our success rather than our failure.
But Jobs's failures, and he had many, are in some ways more instructive for entrepreneurs than his successes, which, of course, were far more numerous.
Employees who are risk - takers will be more willing to assume the risk associated with working in a startup, as they focus on the potential upside of success more than the downside of failure.
Rather than worry about history repeating itself, consider that every big success is preceded by a string of big failures.
There will be more failures than successes when you start your business.
The E.U.'s trade chief, Peter Mandelson, slammed the conduct of the U.S. negotiators and hinted that rather than working for success, the U.S. was actually preparing for the failure of the talks.
In this episode of the Better Than Success Podcast, Business Success Coach and host, Nicole Purvy talks about 3 business failures and what she's learned from them.
In this episode of the Better Than Success Podcast, your host Nikki Purvy interviews attorney Sam Anyan about how he turned failure into sSuccess Podcast, your host Nikki Purvy interviews attorney Sam Anyan about how he turned failure into successsuccess.
In this episode of the Better Than Success podcast, host Nicole Purvy talks about «How to Turn Any Failure or Weakness into Success».
Women experience greater successes - and fewer failures - than their male counterparts.
Barry has founded and run small businesses with a great deal of success and failure for more than 20 years.
The complicated US - China relationship is a reflection of the successes of both nations, rather than failures, according to...
Rita is clearly interested and able to focus on the needs of clients as individuals with behavioral finance constraints and relationship dynamics that drive success or failure as much or more than simply the performance of individual stocks and bonds.
Rather than acting to prevent success, though, the government acts to prevent failure.
Pride, commercials, Hollywood, social media, parental pressure, success, disappointment, failure, the Devil, aging, bereavement, the church and so on have been far more successful at stealing our identities than any online thieves.
Writing in 1931, the Emmanuel leaders could report, «On the whole our successes have been far more frequent than our failures
The motion that analysis of a failure might very well elicit much more interest and commitment than an anecdote about success had seemingly occurred to no one.
That is why the analyst himself and his personality form a more important factor in the success or failure of the analysis than the theory or school from which he works.9
Isaiah Berlin has this to say about the Romantics: «You would have found that they believed that minorities were more holy than majorities, that failure was nobler than success, which had something shoddy and something vulgar about it.»
God is credited with success rather than the individual who strove to overcome adversity and blame for failure is laid at the feet of a fallen state of man.
There is nothing essentially sinful in Hindu society any more than there is anything essentially pure in the Christian society - for that is what the church amounts to - so that one should hasten from the one to the other... So long as the believer's testimony for Christ is open and as long as his attitude towards Hindu society in general is critical, and towards social and religious practices inconsistent with the spirit of Christ is protestant and practically protestant, I would allow him to struggle his way to the light with failure here and failure there, but with progress and success on the whole.
No doubt, some do better than others even measured by their own norms, and within all of them there are massive failures as well as successes
Rather than recall the congregation's heroic tales of trial and success, we focused on their antonyms, avoidance and failure.
As more than one Conservative leader has somberly noted, our failures become Reform Jews and our successes become Orthodox.
Taffer's point is that if you are blaming failure or mediocre success on something other than yourself, you have no reason to change.
Over wintering is a fickle affair but you can improve your chances of success by: - Growing species that are more cold tolerate like Pubescens - Improving climatic conditions by bring plants indoors - Removing ripe pods before over wintering - Cutting back woody stems and removing dead or diseased growth to keep pest & disease at bay - Controlling water regimes If your attempts at over wintering are littered with more failures than success all is not lost.
Remember he is still 25 years of age and more than being a failure, he's had a proven track record of being more of a success most part of his career when he's had ample opportunity to perform.
We should start seeing it as a failure rather than a success of getting their.
He gets at leaat as much credit for the success of the players and should get no more criticism than Pace for their failures.
I think that others should be talking of your success and if you have to remind them of it, than it's probably to hide recent failures.
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